Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme
Conclusion No. 116 (LXXIII) on mental health and psychosocial support (2022)
The Executive Committee,
Recognizing that refugees, asylum-seekers, refugee returnees, stateless persons, and,
in many situations, internally displaced persons (hereafter ‘persons of concern to UNHCR) tend to
display great resilience in the face of challenges linked to their displacement or statelessness,
Acknowledging that the experience of displacement or statelessness can lead to an increased
prevalence of mental health conditions and challenges to psychosocial well-being,
Recognizing that mental health stressors may occur before, during, and after displacement,
due to, inter alia, exposure to conflict, violence, persecution, life-threatening routes, economic and
financial constraints, lack of access to livelihoods, separation from families, trafficking in persons,
racism, xenophobia, discrimination and exclusion, and that such factors may also exacerbate preexisting mental health issues for persons of concern to UNHCR,
Reaffirming the right of every human being, without distinction of any kind, to the enjoyment
of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health,
Welcoming with appreciation UNHCR’s engagement to date on mental health and
psychosocial support (MHPSS), defined as any type of local or outside support that aims to protect
or promote psychosocial well-being and/or prevent or treat mental health conditions,
Recognizing the connection between sexual and gender-based violence and acute stress, and
the increased risk of mental health conditions among survivors and victims of sexual and genderbased violence,
Recognizing the importance of actions to preserve and promote psychosocial well-being of
individuals, households, families and communities, and of the prevention and treatment of mental
health conditions, for persons of concern to UNHCR and for host countries and communities as part
of comprehensive protection and durable solutions strategies in line with UNHCR’s mandate,
Acknowledging the highly stressful environment in which UNHCR personnel, other
humanitarian personnel and volunteers often operate, and recognizing the importance of their mental
health and well-being to their work,
Welcoming the increased attention to MHPSS in humanitarian settings in recent years and
recognizing the need for continued cooperation among States, United Nations partners and other
stakeholders, such as civil society, including faith-based organizations, reflecting the sustainable
development goals (SDGs), notably SDG 3.4 and 3.5,
Underlining the importance of accessibility of MHPSS to all persons of concern to UNHCR,
including people with psychosocial and other disabilities,
Reaffirming its commitment to burden- and responsibility-sharing and recalling the
importance of international cooperation, in particular to support communities and countries hosting
persons of concern to UNHCR, in providing protection and assistance and achieving durable
solutions, consistent with the Global Compact on Refugees;
Acknowledging the contributions of persons of concern to UNHCR to addressing MHPSS
issues, including the preservation of their psychosocial well-being and mental health, as well as that
of their families, households and host communities;
Recalling relevant Executive Committee conclusions, including conclusion No 47
(XXXVIII) 1987 on refugee children; conclusion No 105 (LVII) 2006 on women and girls at risk;
conclusion No 107 (LVIII) 2006 on children at risk, and conclusion No 110 (LXI) 2010 on refugees
with disabilities and other persons with disabilities protected and assisted by UNHCR, among others,
and taking note of the Joint Interagency Call for Action on MHPSS (2020);