United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
3 July 2023
Original: English
Human Rights Council
Fifty-third session
19 June–14 July 2023
Agenda item 3
Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,
political, economic, social and cultural rights,
including the right to development
Refugee protection, internal displacement and statelessness
Report of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially
women and children, Siobhán Mullally*
In the present report, submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 44/4,
the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Siobhán
Mullally, highlights the obligation of States to ensure effective access to international
protection for trafficked persons and persons at risk of trafficking. She also highlights States’
obligations to prevent trafficking in internal displacement and refugee settings, to ensure
effective access to asylum and to comply with the principle of non-refoulement. She
emphasizes the urgency of eliminating statelessness, as an important measure to prevent
trafficking in persons, especially children.
* The present report was submitted after the deadline so as to include the most recent information.
GE.23-07337 (E)