A/HRC/RES/42/13 Underscoring the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all human rights, including the right to social security, and recognizing that women during their life cycle are subject to discrimination in the context of realizing their rights on an equal basis with men owing to structural impediments, including their disproportionate share of unpaid care and domestic work, as well as gender biases and gaps in the design and implementation of social security systems, and welcoming in this regard the agreed conclusions of the Commission on the Status of Women at its sixty-third session on social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, Underscoring also that efforts to realize the right to social security should be inclusive and accessible to all, and noting in particular that persons with disabilities are disproportionately affected by the abridgment of their right to social security, Recognizing that progress has been made in achieving accessible, available, eligible and adequate social security, yet deeply concerned that many persons in all regions continue to face significant obstacles and multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination in exercising their right to social security and to receive benefits and services on an equal basis with others, particularly in developing countries, while recognizing that the fulfilment of the right to social security contributes to the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, Acknowledging the work of United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, in particular the International Labour Organization, in supporting the efforts of States to promote full and productive employment and decent work for all and the full realization of the right to social security using a human rights-based approach, Acknowledging also the efforts of the International Social Security Association, which aims to promote excellence in social security administration by means of professional guidelines, expert knowledge, services and support to enable its members to develop dynamic social security systems and policies throughout the world, and of the Global Partnership for Universal Social Protection, which aims to make pensions and maternity, disability and child benefits, among others, available to all persons, closing the gap for hundreds of millions currently unprotected worldwide, 1. Decides to convene, before its forty-fifth session, an intersessional full-day panel discussion on the right to social security in the changing world of work with a view of identifying challenges and best practices, and also decides that the discussion will be fully accessible to persons with disabilities; 2. Requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to organize the panel discussion in consultation with States, relevant United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, treaty bodies, special procedures and regional human rights mechanisms, as well as with civil society, non-governmental organizations, including organizations representing social security right-holders, academia or academics, national human rights institutions and specialized national equality bodies and financial institutions as appropriate with a view to ensuring their participation in the panel discussion; 3. Also requests the High Commissioner to prepare a summary report on the panel discussion and to submit it to the Human Rights Council at its forty-sixth session; 4. Invites the relevant mechanisms of the Human Rights Council and the treaty bodies to continue to pay particular attention to the realization of the right to social security; 5. Decides to remain seized of the matter. 39th meeting 26 September 2019 [Adopted without a vote.] 2

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