Believing that human rights education and training are essential to the effective
realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including in the context of advances
in digital technologies, climate change and other environmental crises, and gender equality,
and contribute significantly to the promotion of equality, the prevention of conflict and
human rights violations and abuses, and the enhancement of participation and democratic
processes with a view to developing societies in which all human beings are valued and
respected, without discrimination or distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex,
language, religion or belief, disability, age, political or other opinion, national or social
origin, property, birth or other status,
Recognizing the links between the right to education and the struggle against racism,
racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and the essential role of education,
including human rights education, that is sensitive to and respects cultural diversity,
especially among youth and children, in the prevention and eradication of all forms of
intolerance and discrimination,
Takes note of the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Rights on the consultation on the target sectors, focus areas or thematic human rights issues
for the fifth phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education; 1
Encourages States and relevant stakeholders to, during the fifth phase of the
World Programme, strengthen efforts to advance the implementation of the four previous
phases, especially by:
Advancing implementation by focusing in particular on women, girls and
children, and engaging with groups and individuals in vulnerable situations, in accordance
with the objective of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development of “leaving no one
behind”, and consolidating the work done;
Providing human rights education and training for educators in formal and nonformal education and training, in particular those working with children and youth;
Undertaking related research and mapping, sharing good practices and lessons
learned, and sharing information among all actors;
Applying and strengthening sound educational methodologies based on good
practices and assessed through continued evaluation;
Fostering dialogue, cooperation, networking and information-sharing among
relevant stakeholders;
Furthering the integration of human rights education and training into school
and training curricula;
Strengthening follow-up to the implementation of all previous phases of the
World Programme;
Harnessing information and communications technology to ensure inclusive
human rights education and training;
Decides that the fifth phase of the World Programme will continue to focus on
youth, while expanding to include children as priority sectors, with special emphasis on
human rights and digital technologies, the environment and climate change, and gender
equality, and to align the fifth phase with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and
specifically with target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals, taking into account the
synergies between the different concepts and educational methods mentioned therein;
Calls upon States and, where applicable, relevant governmental authorities and
other stakeholders to increase their efforts to implement, disseminate and promote universal
respect for and understanding of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education
and Training;