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30 shown of 34 entities
Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls 2013, para. 34lll
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission urges governments, at all levels[...] to take the following actions:] [Strengthening multisectoral services, programmes and responses to violence against women and girls]: Expand the availability of health-care services, and in particular, strengthen maternal and reproductive health centres, as key entry points that provide support, referrals to services and protection to families, women and girls at risk of violence, especially sexual violence, and which provide support to adolescents in order to avoid early and unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, through education, information and access to sexual and reproductive health-care services;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Health
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Families
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2013
Women, the girl child and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 2001, para. 2e
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [Actions to be taken by Governments, the United Nations system and civil society, as appropriate]: Ensure equal and non-discriminatory access to accurate, comprehensive information, to prevention education on reproductive health, and to voluntary testing and counselling services and technologies within a cultural and gender-sensitive framework and with particular emphasis on adolescents and young adults;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Girls
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2001
Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls 2014, para. 23
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- The Commission notes that with regard to Millennium Development Goal 5 (improving maternal health), progress towards its two targets, to reduce maternal mortality and to achieve universal access to reproductive health, has been particularly slow and uneven, especially for the poorest and rural sectors of the population, within and across countries. It notes that the number of preventable maternal deaths continues to be unacceptably high and that adolescent girls face higher risks. It further expresses concern about the significant gaps in funding that remain and the magnitude of the unmet need for all sexual and reproductive health-care services, including emergency obstetric services and skilled attendance at delivery; safe and effective contraception, services for the complications of unsafe abortion and safe abortion where such services are permitted by national law; and prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS, among others, through the primary health-care system with effective referral to higher levels of care. The Commission further notes continuing challenges to progress, including failure to protect and fulfil reproductive rights in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences, poor nutrition and heavy workloads for pregnant women.
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2014
Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls 2013, para. 34kk
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission urges governments, at all levels[...] to take the following actions:] [Addressing structural and underlying causes and risk factors so as to prevent violence against women and girls]: Develop and implement educational programmes and teaching materials, including comprehensive evidence-based education for human sexuality, based on full and accurate information, for all adolescents and youth, in a manner consistent with their evolving capacities, with the appropriate direction and guidance from parents and legal guardians, with the involvement of children, adolescents, youth and communities, and in coordination with women's, youth and specialized non-governmental organizations, in order to modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women of all ages, to eliminate prejudices and to promote and build informed decision-making, communication and risk reduction skills for the development of respectful relationships and based on gender equality and human rights, as well as teacher education and training programmes for both formal and non-formal education;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Girls
- Men
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2013
Elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child 2007, para. 14.2.e
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission [...] urges Governments [...] to:] [14.2. Education and training] (e) Identify constraints and gaps and develop appropriate strategies, in collaboration with parents and legal guardians, teachers and community leaders, to ensure gender equality, accelerated achievement of equality in enrolment and completion of schooling at the early childhood, primary and all other educational levels for all girls, including pregnant adolescents and young mothers, especially in neglected and marginalized areas and communities and rural and remote areas, and introduce, where appropriate, temporary special measures, including financial incentives and stipends and nutrition programmes in order to improve enrolment and retention rates for girls at all educational levels;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Girls
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2007
The equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS 2009, para. 15gg
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission urges Governments, [...] to take the following actions [...]:] (gg) Reaffirm that the full realization of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all is an essential element of the global response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and ensure that in all national policies and programmes designed to provide comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support, particular attention and support is given to women and girls at risk of, infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS, including young and adolescent mothers, and recognize that, inter alia, preventing and reducing stigma and discrimination, eradicating poverty and mitigating the impact of underdevelopment are critical elements to achieve the internationally agreed goals in this regard;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Men
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2009
Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work 2017, para. 40 (n)
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- Ensure that pregnant adolescents and young mothers, as well as single mothers, can continue and complete their education, and in this regard, design, implement and, where applicable, revise educational policies to allow them to remain in and return to school, providing them with access to health-care and social services and support, including childcare and breastfeeding facilities and crèches, and to education programmes with accessible locations, flexible schedules and distance education, including e-learning, and bearing in mind the important role and responsibilities of, and challenges faced by, fathers, including young fathers, in this regard;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Infants
- Women
- Year
- 2017
Women's empowerment and the link to sustainable development 2016, para. 23o
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission [...] urges Governments, at all levels [...] to take the following actions:] [Strengthening normative, legal and policy frameworks]: Ensure the promotion and protection of the human rights of all women and their sexual and reproductive health, and reproductive rights in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences, including through the development and enforcement of policies and legal frameworks and the strengthening of health systems that make universally accessible and available quality comprehensive sexual and reproductive health-care services, commodities, information and education, including, inter alia, safe and effective methods of modern contraception, emergency contraception, prevention programmes for adolescent pregnancy, maternal health care such as skilled birth attendance and emergency obstetric care which will reduce obstetric fistula and other complications of pregnancy and delivery, safe abortion where such services are permitted by national law, and prevention and treatment of reproductive tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, HIV, and reproductive cancers, recognizing that human rights include the right to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality, including sexual and reproductive health, free from coercion, discrimination and violence;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Women
- Year
- 2016
Elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child 2007, para. 14.4.a
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission [...] urges Governments [...] to:] [14.4. Health] (a) Take all necessary measures to ensure the rights of girls to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, and develop sustainable health systems and social services, ensuring access to such systems and services without discrimination, paying special attention to adequate food and nutrition and the effects of communicable diseases and to the special needs of adolescents, including raising awareness about eating disorders, and to sexual and reproductive health, and securing appropriate prenatal and post-natal care, including measures to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Girls
- Year
- 2007
Elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child 2007, para. 14.13.b
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission [...] urges Governments [...] to:] [14.13. Empowering girls] (b) Facilitate girls' empowerment, including through developing and adequately funding safe and supportive spaces, promoting mentoring and networking among women leaders and girls at all levels, peer education programmes, life skills programmes, and other gender-sensitive youth-friendly services, and provide enhanced opportunities for girls, particularly adolescent girls, to meet and interact with their peers and develop leadership capacities and networking opportunities;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2007
Elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child 2007, para. 14.5.b
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission [...] urges Governments [...] to:] [14.5. HIV/AIDS] (b) Provide appropriate information to help young women, including adolescent girls, understand their sexuality, including their sexual and reproductive health, in order to increase their ability to protect themselves from HIV infection and sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2007
Women and health 1999, para. 3c
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [Actions to be taken by Governments, the United Nations system and civil society, as appropriate:] (c) Enact laws and take measures to eliminate sexual violence against women and girls, which is one of the causes of HIV/AIDS infection and other sexually transmitted diseases, and review and enact laws and combat practices, as appropriate, that may contribute to women's susceptibility to these infections, including enacting legislation against those sociocultural practices that contribute to AIDS, and implement legislation, policies and practices to protect women, adolescents and young girls from discrimination related to HIV/AIDS;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 1999
Women, the girl child and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 2001, para. 1
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- Women play a vital role in the social and economic development of their countries. It is a profound concern that by the end of 2000, 36.1 million people were living with HIV/AIDS, and of those infected, 95 per cent were living in developing countries, and 16.4 million were women. The proportion of women infected with HIV is increasing and in sub-Saharan Africa women constitute 55 per cent of all adult HIV infected, while teenage girls are infected at a rate of five to six times greater than their male counterparts.
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2001
Elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child 2007, para. 14.5.a
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission [...] urges Governments [...] to:] [14.5. HIV/AIDS] (a) Ensure that in all policies and programmes designed to provide comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support, particular attention and support is given to the girl child at risk, infected with, and affected by HIV/AIDS, including pregnant girls and young and adolescent mothers, as part of the global effort to scale up significantly towards the goal of universal access to comprehensive prevention, treatment, care and support by 2010;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Girls
- Infants
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2007
Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls 2014, para. 42o
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission urges Governments, at all levels [...] to take the following actions:] [Realizing women's and girls' full enjoyment of all human rights]: Ensure the promotion and protection of the human rights of all women and their sexual and reproductive health, and reproductive rights in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences, including through the development and enforcement of policies and legal frameworks and the strengthening of health systems that make universally accessible and available quality comprehensive sexual and reproductive health-care services, commodities, information and education, including, inter alia, safe and effective methods of modern contraception, emergency contraception, prevention programmes for adolescent pregnancy, maternal health care such as skilled birth attendance and emergency obstetric care, which will reduce obstetric fistula and other complications of pregnancy and delivery, safe abortion where such services are permitted by national law, and prevention and treatment of reproductive tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, HIV and reproductive cancers, recognizing that human rights include the right to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to their sexuality, including sexual and reproductive health, free from coercion, discrimination and violence;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2014
Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls 2014, para. 42p
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission urges Governments, at all levels [...] to take the following actions:] [Realizing women's and girls' full enjoyment of all human rights]: Ensure universal access to comprehensive prevention, affordable treatment, care and support services for HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections, free of stigma and discrimination, with a gender perspective, and provide comprehensive information, voluntary counselling and testing to young women and adolescent girls living and affected with HIV and AIDS;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2014
Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls 2013, para. 34ss
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission urges governments, at all levels[...] to take the following actions:] [Addressing structural and underlying causes and risk factors so as to prevent violence against women and girls]: Ensure the access of adolescents to services and programmes on preventing early pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and HIV, ensuring personal safety, and preventing the use and abuse of alcohol and other harmful substances;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Health
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2013
Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls 2013, para. 34pp
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission urges governments, at all levels[...] to take the following actions:] [Addressing structural and underlying causes and risk factors so as to prevent violence against women and girls]: Engage, educate, encourage and support men and boys to take responsibility for their behaviour, to ensure that men and adolescent boys take responsibility for their sexual and reproductive behaviour, and to refrain from all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls; develop, invest in and implement policies, strategies and programmes, including comprehensive education programmes to increase their understanding of the harmful effects of violence and how it undermines gender equality and human dignity, promote respectful relationships, provide positive role models for gender equality and encourage men and boys to take an active part and become strategic partners and allies in the prevention and elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Boys
- Girls
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 2013
Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls 2013, para. 34aaa
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission urges governments, at all levels[...] to take the following actions:] [Addressing structural and underlying causes and risk factors so as to prevent violence against women and girls]: Condemn and take action to prevent violence against women and girls in health-care settings, including sexual harassment, humiliation and forced medical procedures, or those conducted without informed consent, and which may be irreversible, such as forced hysterectomy, forced caesarean section, forced sterilization, forced abortion, and forced use of contraceptives, especially for particularly vulnerable and disadvantaged women and girls, such as those living with HIV, women and girls with disabilities, indigenous and Afro-descendent women and girls, pregnant adolescents and young mothers, older women, and women and girls from national or ethnic minorities;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2013
Access and participation of women and girls in education, training and science and technology, including for the promotion of women's equal access to full employment and decent work 2011, para. 22p
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission urges Governments, at all levels [...] to take the following actions, as appropriate:] [Expanding access and participation in education]: Ensure that pregnant adolescents and young mothers, as well as single mothers, can continue and complete their education, and in this regard, design, implement and, where applicable, revise educational policies to allow them to return to school, providing them with access to health and social services and support, including childcare facilities and crèches, and to education programmes with accessible locations, flexible schedules and distance education, including e-learning, and bearing in mind the challenges faced by young fathers in this regard;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Girls
- Infants
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2011
Eradicating poverty, including through the empowerment of women throughout their life cycle, in a globalizing world 2002, para. 5s
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission urges Governments [...] to take the following actions to accelerate implementation of these strategic objectives to address the needs of all women:] Ensure full and equal access at all levels to formal and non-formal education and training for women and girls, including pregnant adolescents and adolescent mothers, as key to their empowerment by, inter alia, the reallocation of resources, as necessary;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2002
Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls 2014, para. 42s
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission urges Governments, at all levels [...] to take the following actions:] [Realizing women's and girls' full enjoyment of all human rights]: Develop comprehensive strategies to target gender inequality in health care and put into practice policies to ensure equal access for women, adolescents and youth to affordable and adequate health-care services, including primary health care and basic nutrition;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2014
Child and dependant care, including sharing of work and family responsibilities 1996, para. 7
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- It is important to change attitudes towards the status of unremunerated work and the relative role of women and men in the family, the community, the workplace and society at large. Measures taken to this end must be aimed as much at women as at men, and at the different generations, with particular attention to adolescents.
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 1996
The girl child 1998, para. b
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [Actions to be taken by Governments, local authorities, non-governmental organizations and civil society and the United Nations system, as appropriate:] Organize community-based actions, including the setting up of local committees to create awareness of, and monitor conformity with, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, with a special focus on the situation of adolescent girls and young mothers;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Girls
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 1998
The girl child 1998, para. b
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [Actions to be taken by Governments, civil society and the United Nations system, as appropriate:] Encourage parents, coalitions of concerned organizations and individuals, especially political leaders, popular and community figures and the media, to advocate for children's health, including adolescent girls' reproductive and sexual health;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Girls
- Year
- 1998
The girl child 1998, para. e
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [Actions to be taken by Governments, civil society and the United Nations system, as appropriate:] Make widely available information and counselling to adolescent girls and boys, especially on human relationships, reproductive and sexual health, sexually transmitted diseases and adolescent pregnancy, that are confidential and easily accessible and emphasize the equal responsibility of girls and boys;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Boys
- Girls
- Year
- 1998
The girl child 1998, para. c
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [Actions to be taken by Governments, educational institutions and the United Nations system, as appropriate:] Ensure universal enrolment and retention of girls in school and ensure the continued education of pregnant adolescents and young mothers in order to guarantee basic education to the girl child;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Girls
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 1998
The girl child 1998, para. f
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [Actions to be taken by Governments, civil society and the United Nations system, as appropriate:] Improve the health care for adolescent girls by health personnel and provide the latter with appropriate training, and encourage health- care personnel to work with girls to understand their special needs;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Girls
- Year
- 1998
Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls 2014, para. 42x
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- [The Commission urges Governments, at all levels [...] to take the following actions:] [Realizing women's and girls' full enjoyment of all human rights]: Develop and implement educational programmes and teaching materials, including comprehensive evidence-based education for human sexuality, based on full and accurate information, for all adolescents and youth, in a manner consistent with their evolving capacities, with the appropriate direction and guidance from parents and legal guardians, with the involvement of children, adolescents, youth and communities and in coordination with women's, youth and specialized non-governmental organizations, in order to modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women of all ages, to eliminate prejudices and to promote and build informed decision-making, communication and risk reduction skills for the development of respectful relationships and based on gender equality and human rights, as well as teacher education and training programmes for both formal and non-formal education;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Girls
- Men
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2014
Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls 2014, para. 24
- Document type
- CSW Agreed Conclusions / Declaration
- Paragraph text
- The Commission notes that with regard to Millennium Development Goal 6 (combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases), progress has been limited, with the number of women living with HIV increasing globally since 2001. It also notes the particular vulnerability to HIV infection of adolescent girls and young women, as well as other women and girls who are at a higher risk. It stresses that structural gender inequalities and violence against women and girls undermine effective HIV responses and the need to give full attention to increasing the capacity of women and adolescent girls to protect themselves from the risk of HIV infection, including through the provision of health-care services, inter alia, sexual and reproductive health-care services. It further notes the challenges faced by women and girls living with HIV and AIDS, including stigma, discrimination and violence. The Commission further notes that, despite increased global and national investments in malaria control, which have resulted in decreasing the burden of malaria in many countries and the elimination of malaria in some countries, malaria prevention and control efforts, particularly for pregnant women, must rapidly increase in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2014