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Stressing also that Governments of developing countries have the primary
responsibility for defining and implementing appropriate policies for human
resources development,
Recognizing the vital role that South-South and North-South cooperation
play in supporting national efforts in human resources development,
bilaterally as well as multilaterally,
Emphasizing the need for coordination and integration among the organs
and organizations of the United Nations system in assisting developing
countries to foster the development of their human resources, especially that
of the most vulnerable, and for the United Nations to continue to give
priority to human resources development in developing countries,
Recognizing the importance accorded in the Copenhagen Declaration on
Social Development and in the Programme of Action of the World Summit for
Social Development to the human component of development, 1/
Recognizing also the importance of the Platform for Action adopted at
the recently concluded Fourth World Conference on Women, 2/ held at Beijing
from 4 to 15 September 1995,
Takes note with appreciation of the report of the SecretaryGeneral on developing human resources for development; 3/
Emphasizes that, in the development of human resources, an
overall, well-conceived and integrated approach that mainstreams a gender
perspective and takes into account the needs of all people should be adopted,
incorporating such vital areas as population, health, nutrition, water,
sanitation, housing, communications, education and training, and science and
technology, as well as taking into account the need to create more
opportunities for employment in an environment that guarantees opportunities
for political freedom, popular participation, respect for human rights,
justice and equity, all of which are essential for enhancing human capacity to
meet the challenge of development;
Encourages all countries to accord priority, in particular in
national budgets, to human resources development in the context of the
adoption of economic and social policies;
Emphasizes the need to ensure the full participation of women in
the formulation and implementation of national policies to promote human
resources development;
Calls upon the international community to support national efforts
to develop human resources for development by increasing the priority of
resources for those activities;
Calls upon the relevant organs, organizations and bodies of the
See A/CONF.166/9, chap. I, resolution 1.
A/CONF.177/20 and Add.1, chap. I, resolution 1, annex II.
A/50/330 and Corr.1.