General Conclusion On International Protection 1992, para. (a)
Párrafo- Tipo de documento
- Conclusión del Comité Ejecutivo
- Paragraph text
- Reaffirms the primary nature of the High Commissioner's protection responsibilities which are performed as a non-political, humanitarian and social function within the framework of international refugee law and applicable regional instruments, with due regard for human rights and humanitarian law, and which necessitate cooperation with UNHCR, as well as among and between States in accordance with the United Nations Charter, on a basis of international responsibilities, solidarity and burden-sharing;
- Condicón jurídica
- Derecho dispositivo negociado
- Organismo
- Comité ejecutivo del programa del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los refugiados
- Medio de adopción
- N/A
- Temas
- Gobernanza y imperio de la ley
- Humanitario
- Moviemiento
- Personas afectadas
- Personas en movimiento
- Año
- 1992
- Tipo de párrafo
- Párrafo
- Reference
- ExCom Conclusion No. 68, General Conclusion On International Protection (1992), OP (a).
- Paragraph info
- OP
- Paragraph number
- (a)
ordenados por
Fecha de adición
25 conexiones, 25 Entidades