New York Declaration For Refugees and Migrants 2016, para. 70
Párrafo- Tipo de documento
- Declaración / Documento final de la conferencia
- Paragraph text
- We will ensure that refugee admission policies or arrangements are in line with our obligations under international law. We wish to see administrative barriers eased, with a view to accelerating refugee admission procedures to the extent possible. We will, where appropriate, assist States to conduct early and effective registration and documentation of refugees. We will also promote access for children to child-appropriate procedures. At the same time, we recognize that the ability of refugees to lodge asylum claims in the country of their choice may be regulated, subject to the safeguard that they will have access to, and enjoyment of, protection elsewhere.
- Condicón jurídica
- Derecho dispositivo negociado
- Organismo
- Asamblea general de las Naciones Unidas
- Medio de adopción
- Consenso
- Temas
- Gobernanza y imperio de la ley
- Igualdad & inclusión
- Moviemiento
- Personas afectadas
- Personas en movimiento
- Año
- 2016
- Tipo de párrafo
- Otro
- Paragraph focus
- Commitments for refugees
- Paragraph number
- 70
ordenados por
Fecha de adición
181 conexiones, 181 Entidades