Adequacy of the international legal framework on violence against women 2017, para. 50
Paragraphe- Type de document
- Rapport des procédures spéciales
- Paragraph text
- As previously highlighted, many civil society organizations stated that particular importance should also be given to improving implementation strategies and monitoring regimes: there should be a monitoring of State practice in implementing the principles on violence against women as a human rights issue (prevention, prosecution, protection and policy). This monitoring could be carried out by independent organizations engaging with an international treaty body. A treaty could also require States parties to create or nominate a national independent monitoring body on violence against women, which would include frameworks for respective responsibilities in federal States with sufficient resources and the ability to adjudicate cases of violence against women and girls. The treaty could establish a new global gender observatory or international watch centre. It should include a requirement for States to accept more country visits as part of monitoring, as well as ensure consultation with survivors as part of the reporting process and monitoring. Furthermore, more importance should be given to ensuring improved data collection and including a requirement for States to disseminate reports. According to some civil society organizations, any new treaty body should have the power to make general recommendations.
- Status juridique
- Droit souple non-négocié
- Organe
- Procédures Spéciales: Rapporteur spécial sur la violence contre les femmes et les filles, ses causes et ses conséquences
- Mode d'adoption
- S/O
- Thèmes
- Genre
- Gouvernance & l'état de droit
- Violence
- Personnes concernées
- Femmes
- Filles
- Année
- 2017
- Type de paragraphe
- Autre
- Paragraph number
- 50
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Date ajouter
106 Relations, 106 Entités