United Nations A/RES/56/189 General Assembly Distr.: General 5 February 2002 Fifty-sixth session Agenda item 97 (b) Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [on the report of the Second Committee (A/56/560/Add.2)] 56/189. Human resources development The General Assembly, Reaffirming its resolutions 45/191 of 21 December 1990, 46/143 of 17 December 1991, 48/205 of 21 December 1993, 50/105 of 20 December 1995, 52/196 of 18 December 1997 and 54/211 of 22 December 1999, as well as the relevant sections of the Agenda for Development, 1 Reaffirming also the United Nations Millennium Declaration adopted by heads of State and Government on 8 September 2000, 2 Recalling Economic and Social Council decision 2001/299 of 19 July 2001, by which the Council adopted “The contribution of human resources development, including in the areas of health and education, to the process of development” as the theme for the high-level segment of its substantive session of 2002, Recognizing that human beings are at the centre of concern in sustainable development, Stressing that Governments have the primary responsibility for defining and implementing appropriate policies for human resources development and that there is a need for continuing support from the international community to complement the efforts of developing countries, Stressing also that there is a need for an enabling national and international environment that will enhance human resources development in developing countries and promote sustained economic growth and sustainable development, Stressing further that health and education are at the core of human resources development, and the need to ensure that by 2015 children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling and that girls and boys will have equal access to all levels of education, as expressed at the World Education Forum, held at Dakar from 26 to 28 April 2000, and in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, _______________ 1 2 01 49219 Resolution 51/240, annex. See resolution 55/2.

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