United Nations General Assembly A/RES/59/140 Distr.: General 17 February 2005 Fifty-ninth session Agenda item 56 (s) Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 15 December 2004 [without reference to a Main Committee (A/59/L.42 and Add.1)] 59/140. Cooperation between the United Nations and the Southern African Development Community The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 37/248 of 21 December 1982 and all other relevant General Assembly resolutions and decisions on the promotion of cooperation between the United Nations and the Southern African Development Community, including resolution 57/44 of 21 November 2002 and decision 56/443 of 21 December 2001, Welcoming the adoption of its resolution 59/49 of 2 December 2004, in which it decided to invite the Community to participate in its sessions and its work in the capacity of observer, Commending States members of the Community for demonstrating continued commitment to deeper and more formal arrangements for cooperation among themselves towards regional integration, Recognizing the continued efforts to strengthen democracy, good governance, sound economic management, human rights and the rule of law and the consolidation of peace, including the adoption at the annual summit of the Community, held in Mauritius on 16 and 17 August 2004, of the Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections, Noting with concern the HIV/AIDS pandemic, which has reached crisis proportions in the region, and the high prevalence of communicable diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis, which are having far-reaching social and economic consequences, Noting the continued efforts of the Community to make Southern Africa a landmine-free zone, Expressing concern about the very difficult humanitarian situation in countries of the region, Welcoming the launch by the Community of the Strategic Indicative Plan for the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation in August 2004 as an enabling instrument for the implementation of the development agenda embodied in the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan of the Community, 04-48466

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