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6 shown of 6 entities
Eliminating maternal mortality and morbidity through the empowerment of women 2012, para. 22
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Noting that health services are needed to protect and enhance the well-being of both rural and urban populations affected and displaced by crises and conflicts and to reduce and prevent maternal mortality and morbidity, including by providing family planning and caring for those who are victims of all forms of violence,
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Health
- Humanitarian
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Women
- Year
- 2012
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Eliminating maternal mortality and morbidity through the empowerment of women 2012, para. 29
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Emphasizing the commitment to provide universal access to reproductive health by 2015 and the need to integrate family planning, sexual health and health-care services in national strategies and programmes, and to ensure that all women, men and young people have information about, access to and a choice of the widest possible range of family planning options, including safe, effective, affordable and acceptable modern methods of contraception,
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2012
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Eliminating maternal mortality and morbidity through the empowerment of women 2012, para. 9
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Emphasizes the significance of maternity, motherhood and the role of parents in the family and in the upbringing of children and that the upbringing of children requires the shared responsibility of parents, legal guardians, women and men, and society as a whole, and recognizes the need for age-appropriate, evidence-based and comprehensive sex education in order to help prepare young people to deal positively and responsibly with their sexuality and to navigate issues such as marriage, childbearing, sexually transmitted infections and HIV, and complications of pregnancy and childbirth, in particular the high risk connected to early sexual relations, early pregnancy and early childbearing, as well as the need to improve the referral and access of adolescents to quality, comprehensive, integrated, accessible and youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health-care services, including family planning;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Children
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Youth
- Year
- 2012
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Economic advancement for women 2005, para. 14
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Further calls on Member States to recognize, develop and promote policies, including workplace policies and other supports such as maternity and parental benefits and leave, childcare and care for other dependants, that facilitate the reconciliation of employment and family responsibilities and recognize the importance of the value of non-market contributions that individuals and families make to society and the economy, ensuring the right for women and men to decide freely and responsibly on the number, timing and spacing of their children, encouraging men to share equally with women household, childcare and other care-giving responsibilities and also ensuring that women have equal rights to social security and other entitlements;
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 2005
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Eliminating maternal mortality and morbidity through the empowerment of women 2012, para. 12
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Recognizing that the root causes of preventable maternal mortality and morbidity, which can constrain efforts to eliminate them and contribute to their unacceptably high global rates, encompass a wide range of interlinked underlying factors related to development, human rights and health, including, inter alia, poverty, illiteracy, lack of economic opportunities, challenges associated with rapid population growth, poor nutrition, barriers to education, discrimination against women and girls, harmful traditional practices, such as female genital mutilation/cutting and early and forced marriage, as well as gender-based violence, lack of participation in decision-making, poor health infrastructure, inadequate training for health personnel and inadequate investment in education, nutrition and basic health care,
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Food & Nutrition
- Gender
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2012
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Eliminating maternal mortality and morbidity through the empowerment of women 2012, para. 3
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Recalling the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the obligations of States parties to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families,
- Body
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Women
- Year
- 2012
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
6 shown of 6 entities