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Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 165m
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments:] Adjust employment policies to facilitate the restructuring of work patterns in order to promote the sharing of family responsibilities;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 285c
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments, in cooperation with non-governmental organizations:] Educate and encourage parents and caregivers to treat girls and boys equally and to ensure shared responsibilities between girls and boys in the family, as defined in paragraph 29 above.
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Boys
- Children
- Families
- Girls
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 285b
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments, in cooperation with non-governmental organizations:] Provide an environment conducive to the strengthening of the family, as defined in paragraph 29 above, with a view to providing supportive and preventive measures which protect, respect and promote the potential of the girl child;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Social & Cultural Rights
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Girls
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 285a
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments, in cooperation with non-governmental organizations:] Formulate policies and programmes to help the family, as defined in paragraph 29 above, in its supporting, educating and nurturing roles, with particular emphasis on the elimination of intra-family discrimination against the girl child;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Girls
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 274b
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments:] Consistent with article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, take measures to ensure that a child is registered immediately after birth and has the right from birth to a name, the right to acquire a nationality and, as far as possible, the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Civil & Political Rights
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Social & Cultural Rights
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Girls
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 190i
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments:] Recognize that shared work and parental responsibilities between women and men promote women's increased participation in public life, and take appropriate measures to achieve this, including measures to reconcile family and professional life;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 179d
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments:] Develop policies, inter alia, in education to change attitudes that reinforce the division of labour based on gender in order to promote the concept of shared family responsibility for work in the home, particularly in relation to children and elder care;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Gender
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Older persons
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 179a
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments:] Adopt policies to ensure the appropriate protection of labour laws and social security benefits for part-time, temporary, seasonal and home- based workers; promote career development based on work conditions that harmonize work and family responsibilities;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 168b
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments and non-governmental organizations:] Encourage community economic development strategies that build on partnerships among Governments, and encourage members of civil society to create jobs and address the social circumstances of individuals, families and communities.
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 148b
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments:] Protect women and children who migrate as family members from abuse or denial of their human rights by sponsors and consider extending their stay, should the family relationship dissolve, within the limits of national legislation.
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Humanitarian
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 125h
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments, including local governments, community organizations, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, the public and private sectors, particularly enterprises, and the mass media, as appropriate:] Disseminate information on the assistance available to women and families who are victims of violence;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Gender
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 107c
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments, in cooperation with non-governmental organizations, the mass media, the private sector and relevant international organizations, including United Nations bodies, as appropriate:] Encourage men to share equally in child care and household work and to provide their share of financial support for their families, even if they do not live with them;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 106v
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments, in collaboration with non-governmental organizations and employers' and workers' organizations and with the support of international institutions:] Provide improved access to appropriate treatment and rehabilitation services for women substance abusers and their families;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 81e
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments, national, regional and international bodies, bilateral and multilateral donors and non-governmental organizations:] Encourage adult and family engagement in learning to promote total literacy for all people;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 15
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [We are convinced that:] Equal rights, opportunities and access to resources, equal sharing of responsibilities for the family by men and women, and a harmonious partnership between them are critical to their well-being and that of their families as well as to the consolidation of democracy;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 281b
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments and international and non-governmental organizations:] Sensitize the girl child, parents, teachers and society concerning good general health and nutrition and raise awareness of the health dangers and other problems connected with early pregnancies;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Food & Nutrition
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Girls
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 279d
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments:] Increase enrolment and improve retention rates of girls by allocating appropriate budgetary resources and by enlisting the support of the community and parents through campaigns and flexible school schedules, incentives, scholarships, access programmes for out-of-school girls and other measures;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Girls
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 179c
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments:] Ensure, through legislation, incentives and/or encouragement, opportunities for women and men to take job-protected parental leave and to have parental benefits; promote the equal sharing of responsibilities for the family by men and women, including through appropriate legislation, incentives and/or encouragement, and also promote the facilitation of breast-feeding for working mothers;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 119
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- Developing a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to the challenging task of promoting families, communities and States that are free of violence against women is necessary and achievable. Equality, partnership between women and men and respect for human dignity must permeate all stages of the socialization process. Educational systems should promote self-respect, mutual respect, and cooperation between women and men.
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Gender
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 107h
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments, in cooperation with non-governmental organizations, the mass media, the private sector and relevant international organizations, including United Nations bodies, as appropriate:] Develop policies that reduce the disproportionate and increasing burden on women who have multiple roles within the family and the community by providing them with adequate support and programmes from health and social services;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 83i
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments, educational authorities and other educational and academic institutions:] Develop appropriate education and information programmes with due respect for multilingualism, particularly in conjunction with the mass media, that make the public, particularly parents, aware of the importance of non-discriminatory education for children and the equal sharing of family responsibilities by girls and boys;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Equality & Inclusion
- Person(s) affected
- Boys
- Children
- Families
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 245a
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By the media, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, in collaboration, as appropriate, with national machinery for the advancement of women:] Promote the equal sharing of family responsibilities through media campaigns that emphasize gender equality and non-stereotyped gender roles of women and men within the family and that disseminate information aimed at eliminating spousal and child abuse and all forms of violence against women, including domestic violence;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 180b
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments, the private sector and non-governmental organizations, trade unions and the United Nations, as appropriate:] Design and provide educational programmes through innovative media campaigns and school and community education programmes to raise awareness on gender equality and non-stereotyped gender roles of women and men within the family; provide support services and facilities, such as on-site child care at workplaces and flexible working arrangements;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 274c
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments:] Take steps to ensure that children receive appropriate financial support from their parents, by, among other measures, enforcing child- support laws;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Girls
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 342
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- In implementing the Platform for Action, international financial institutions are encouraged to review and revise policies, procedures and staffing to ensure that investments and programmes benefit women and thus contribute to sustainable development. They are also encouraged to increase the number of women in high-level positions, increase staff training in gender analysis and institute policies and guidelines to ensure full consideration of the differential impact of lending programmes and other activities on women and men. In this regard, the Bretton Woods institutions, the United Nations, as well as its funds and programmes and the specialized agencies, should establish regular and substantive dialogue, including dialogue at the field level, for more efficient and effective coordination of their assistance in order to strengthen the effectiveness of their programmes for the benefit of women and their families.
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. Objective L9
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- Strengthen the role of the family* in improving the status of the girl child
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Girls
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 206i
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By national, regional and international statistical services and relevant governmental and United Nations agencies, in cooperation with research and documentation organizations, in their respective areas of responsibility:] Strengthen vital statistical systems and incorporate gender analysis into publications and research; give priority to gender differences in research design and in data collection and analysis in order to improve data on morbidity; and improve data collection on access to health services, including access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, maternal care and family planning, with special priority for adolescent mothers and for elder care;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Families
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 185
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- Inequality in the public arena can often start with discriminatory attitudes and practices and unequal power relations between women and men within the family, as defined in paragraph 29 above. The unequal division of labour and responsibilities within households based on unequal power relations also limits women's potential to find the time and develop the skills required for participation in decision-making in wider public forums. A more equal sharing of those responsibilities between women and men not only provides a better quality of life for women and their daughters but also enhances their opportunities to shape and design public policy, practice and expenditure so that their interests may be recognized and addressed. Non-formal networks and patterns of decision-making at the local community level that reflect a dominant male ethos restrict women's ability to participate equally in political, economic and social life.
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. Objective F6
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- Promote harmonization of work and family responsibilities for women and men
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Gender
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action 1995, para. 178b
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- [By Governments, employers, employees, trade unions and women's organizations:] Enact and enforce laws and introduce implementing measures, including means of redress and access to justice in cases of non-compliance, to prohibit direct and indirect discrimination on grounds of sex, including by reference to marital or family status, in relation to access to employment, conditions of employment, including training, promotion, health and safety, as well as termination of employment and social security of workers, including legal protection against sexual and racial harassment;
- Body
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Women
- Year
- 1995
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019