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Intensification of efforts to end obstetric fistula (2019), para. 18
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Deeply concerned also about the insufficient resources for addressing obstetric fistula in high-burden countries, compounded by the low levels of development assistance for maternal and newborn health, which have declined in recent years, and the substantial need for additional resources and support for the global Campaign to End Fistula and for national and regional initiatives dedicated to improving maternal health and eliminating obstetric fistula,
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Intensification of efforts to end obstetric fistula (2019), para. 45
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- (k) Empowering fistula survivors to make informed decisions about their lives and to contribute to community sensitization and mobilization as advocates for fistula elimination, safe motherhood and newborn survival, and supporting the exercise of their voice, agency and leadership;
- Topic(s)
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
The rule of law at the national and international levels (2015), para. 33
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 18. Recalls the commitment of Member States to take all necessary steps to provide fair, transparent, effective, non-discriminatory and accountable services that promote access to justice for all, including legal aid, encourages further dialogue and the sharing of national practices in strengthening the rule of law through access to justice, including with regard to birth registration and legal aid, where appropriate, in both criminal and civil proceedings, and in this regard stresses the need to intensify the assistance extended to Governments upon their request;
- Topic(s)
- Civil & Political Rights
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Intensification of efforts to end obstetric fistula (2019), para. 21
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Welcoming also ongoing partnerships between stakeholders at all levels to address the multifaceted determinants of maternal, newborn and child health, in close coordination with Member States, based on their needs and priorities, and in this regard welcoming further the commitments to accelerate progress on the health - related Sustainable Development Goals by 2030,
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
The protection of human rights in the context of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquiredimmunodeficiencysyndrome (AIDS) (2011), para. 42
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- (g) Promoting policies that ensure effective prevention and accelerate research and development into new tools for prevention, including microbicides and vaccines with proven efficacy, as well as universal access to them;
- Topic(s)
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Intensification of efforts to end obstetric fistula (2019), para. 54
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 15. Encourages Member States to contribute to efforts to end obstetric fistula, including, in particular, through the global Campaign to End Fistula, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and to commit themselves to continued efforts to improve maternal and newborn health, with the aim of eliminating obstetric fistula globally within a decade;
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
The rights of the child (2001), para. 030
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 1. Calls upon all States to intensify efforts to ensure the registration of all children immediately after birth, including through the consideration of simplified, expeditious and effective procedures;
- Topic(s)
- Civil & Political Rights
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
The right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2017), para. 43
- Paragraph text
- Target 3.8: Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all;
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations (2017), para. 089
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 55. Also encourages Member States, in cooperation with relevant United Nations humanitarian organizations, to ensure reliable and safe access to sexual and reproductive health-care services in order to protect women, adolescent girls and infants from preventable mortality and morbidity;
- Topic(s)
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Adolescents
- Girls
- Infants
- Women
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (2013), para. 29
- Paragraph text
- 3. Expresses its very deep concern at the precarious humanitarian situation, including a serious deterioration in the availability of and access to food, in the country, partly as a result of frequent natural disasters, compounded by structural weaknesses in agricultural production resulting in significant shortages of food, and the increasing State restrictions on the cultivation and trade in foodstuffs, as well as the prevalence of chronic and acute malnutrition, particularly among the most vulnerable groups, pregnant women, infants and children and the elderly, which, despite some progress, continues to affect the physical and mental development of a significant proportion of children, and urges the Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in this regard, to take preventive and remedial action, cooperating where necessary with international donor agencies and in accordance with international standards for monitoring humanitarian assistance;
- Topic(s)
- Food & Nutrition
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health
- Humanitarian
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Women
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Intensification of efforts to end obstetric fistula (2017), para. 47
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- (o) Strengthening research, data collection, monitoring and evaluation to guide the planning and implementation of maternal health programmes, including for obstetric fistula, by conducting up-to-date needs assessments on emergency obstetric and newborn care and for fistula and routine reviews of maternal deaths and near-miss cases as part of a national maternal death surveillance and response system, integrated within national health information systems;
- Topic(s)
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Rights of the child (2011), para. 096
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- (w) To develop strategies for the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against children, including in early childhood, by adopting appropriate policy measures aimed at, inter alia, raising awareness, capacity-building for professionals working with and for children, supporting effective parenting programmes, fostering research, collecting data on the incidence of violence against children, including in early childhood, and developing and implementing appropriate national monitoring tools to periodically assess progress;
- Topic(s)
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Consolidating gains and accelerating efforts to control and eliminate malaria in developing countries,particularly in Africa, by 2015 (2011), para. 29
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 13. Requests relevant international organizations, in particular the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund, to assist efforts of national Governments to provide universal access to malaria control interventions to address all at-risk populations, in particular young children and pregnant women, in malaria-endemic countries, particularly in Africa, as rapidly as possible, with due regard to ensuring proper use of those interventions, including long-lasting insecticide nets, and sustainability through full community participation and implementation through the health system;
- Topic(s)
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Women
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly (2020), para. 026
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Reaffirming also the efforts of Governments to achieve all health-related Sustainable Development Goal targets, in particular Goal 3 of ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all throughout the life course, by integrating those aims into their national plans and policies, as well as the significant progress made in increasing life expectancy, reducing maternal, newborn and child mortality and combating communicable diseases,
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Draft outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals (2010), para. 169
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- (g) Working to ensure that the next generation is born HIV-free by providing, on an urgent basis, extended and sustainable coverage and improved quality of services to prevent mother-to-child transmission as well as increasing access to paediatric HIV treatment services.
- Topic(s)
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Consolidating gains and accelerating efforts to control and eliminate malaria in developing countries, particularly in Africa, by 2030 (2019), para. 80
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 40. Calls upon Member States and the international community, especially malaria-endemic countries, in accordance with existing guidelines and recommendations of the World Health Organization and the requirements of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, including those related to DDT, to become fully knowledgeable about the technical policies and strategies of the World Health Organization and the provisions of the Stockholm Convention, including for indoor residual spraying, long-lasting insecticide-treated nets and case management, intermittent preventive therapies for pregnant women, children under 5 and infants, monitoring of in vivo resistance studies to artemisinin-based combination therapies and monitoring and managing insecticide resistance and outdoor malaria transmission, as well as to increase capacity for the registration and uptake of new vector control tools, the safe, effective and judicious use of indoor residual spraying and other forms of vector control, including quality control measures, in accordance with international rules, standards and guidelines;
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Women
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
The right to food (2020), para. 52
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 11. Calls upon all States and, if appropriate, relevant international organizations to take measures and support programmes that are aimed at combating undernutrition in mothers, in particular during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and in children, and the irreversible effects of chronic undernutrition in early childhood, in particular from birth to the age of 2 years;
- Topic(s)
- Food & Nutrition
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Political declaration of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on antimicrobial resistance (2016), para. 24
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- (b) To mobilize adequate, predictable and sustained fundin g and human and financial resources and investment through national, bilateral and multilateral channels to support the development and implementation of national action plans, research and development on existing and new antimicrobial medicines, diagnosti cs and vaccines, and other technologies, and strengthening of related infrastructure, including through engagement with multilateral development banks and traditional and voluntary innovative financing and investment mechanisms, based on priorities and local needs set by Governments and on ensuring public return on investment;
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Keeping the promise: united to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (2010), para. 160
- Paragraph text
- (p) Welcoming the Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health, undertaken by a broad coalition of partners, in support of national plans and strategies, in order to significantly reduce the number of maternal, newborn and under-five child deaths as a matter of immediate concern by scaling up a priority package of high-impact interventions and integrating efforts in sectors such as health, education, gender equality, water and sanitation, poverty reduction and nutrition;
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Health
- Water & Sanitation
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Women
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly (2017), para. 85
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 59. Welcomes the contribution to the mobilization of resources for social development by the initiatives taken on a voluntary basis by groups of Member States based on innovative financing mechanisms, including those that aim to provide further drug access at affordable prices to developing countries on a sustainable and predictable basis, such as the International Drug Purchase Facility, UNITAID, as well as other initiatives such as the International Finance Facility for Immunization and the Advance Market Commitments for Vaccines;
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Consolidating gains and accelerating efforts to control and eliminate malaria in developing countries, particularly in Africa, by 2030 (2018), para. 62
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 24. Urges relevant international organizations, in particular the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund, to enhance the assistance efforts of national Governments to provide universal access to malaria control interventions to address all at-risk populations, in particular young children and pregnant women, in malaria-endemic countries, particularly in Africa, as rapidly as possible, with due regard to ensuring the proper use of those interventions, including long-lasting insecticide-treated nets, and sustainability through full community participation and implementation through the health system;
- Topic(s)
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Women
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Birth registration and the right of everyone to recognition everywhere as a person before the law (2013), para. 19
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 8. Encourages States to request technical assistance, if required, from relevant United Nations bodies, agencies, funds and programmes, including the United Nations Children’s Fund, the United Nations Population Fund, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the World Health Organization, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the United Nations Development Programme, and other relevant stakeholders in order to fulfil their obligation to undertake birth registration as a means to respect the right of everyone to be recognized everywhere as a person before the law;
- Topic(s)
- Civil & Political Rights
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Persons on the move
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Global health and foreign policy: an inclusive approach to strengthening health systems (2020), para. 72
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 27. Also calls upon Member States to promote equitable distribution of and increased access to quality, safe, effective, affordable and essential medicines, including generics, vaccines, diagnostics and health technologies, to ensure affordable quality health services and their timely delivery;
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Rights of the child (2008), para. 034
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 15. Once again urges all States parties to intensify their efforts to comply with their obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child 2 3H to preserve the child’s identity, including nationality, name and family relations, as recognized by law, to allow for the registration of the child immediately after birth, to ensure that registration procedures are simple, expeditious and effective and provided at minimal or no cost and to raise awareness of the importance of birth registration at the national, regional and local levels;
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Intensification of efforts to end obstetric fistula (2015), para. 16
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Recognizing the Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health, undertaken by a broad coalition of partners, in support of national plans and strategies aimed at significantly reducing the number of maternal, newborn and under-five child deaths and disabilities as a matter of immediate concern by scaling up a priority package of high-impact interventions and integrating efforts in sectors such as health, education, gender equality, water and sanitation, poverty eradication and nutrition,
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Persons with disabilities
- Women
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Access to medicines and vaccines in the context of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical andmental health (2019), para. 33
- Paragraph text
- 2. Stresses the responsibility of States to ensure access for all, without discrimination, to medicines and vaccines, in particular essential medicines, that are affordable, safe, effective and of quality;
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Consolidating gains and accelerating efforts to control and eliminate malaria in developing countries, particularly in Africa, by 2030 (2017), para. 48
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 16. Welcomes the contribution to the mobilization of additional and predictable resources for development by voluntary innovative financing initiatives taken by groups of Member States, and in this regard notes the contributions of the International Drug Purchase Facility, UNITAID, the International Finance Facility for Immunization, the advance market commitments for vaccines and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and expresses support for the work of the Leading Group on Innovative Financing for Development and its special task force on innovative financing for health;
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Supporting efforts to end obstetric fistula (2013), para. 26
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- (a) To redouble their efforts to meet the internationally agreed goal of improving maternal health by making maternal health-care services and obstetric fistula treatment geographically and financially accessible, including by ensuring universal access to skilled attendance at birth and timely access to high-quality emergency obstetric care and family planning, as well as appropriate prenatal and postnatal care;
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Supporting efforts to end obstetric fistula (2011), para. 14
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Welcoming further the Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health, undertaken by a broad coalition of partners, in support of national plans and strategies aimed at significantly reducing the number of maternal, newborn and under-five child deaths as a matter of immediate concern by scaling up a priority package of high-impact interventions and integrating efforts in sectors such as health, education, gender equality, water and sanitation, poverty reduction and nutrition,
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health
- Water & Sanitation
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Infants
- Women
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly (2020), para. 066
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 31. Welcomes the renewed commitment in the political declaration of the high- level meeting on universal health coverage 5 to achieve universal health coverage, which implies that all people have access, without discrimination, to nationally determined sets of the needed promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative essential health services, and essential, safe, affordable, effective and quality medicines and vaccines, while ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the users to financial hardship, with a special emphasis on those who are marginalized;
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Health
- Person(s) affected
- Infants
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020