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Pattern of conferences (2013), para. 123
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 17. Notes with appreciation the positive experience with traineeships at Headquarters and at the United Nations Office at Vienna in training young professionals in and attracting them to the translation and interpretation services of the United Nations, while enhancing the pool of qualified language professionals in language combinations that are critical for succession-planning purposes, and requests the Secretary-General to develop the initiative further, to extend it to all duty stations and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its sixty-eighth session;
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic (2020), para. 53
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 22. Reaffirms the Syrian regime’s responsibility for the systematic use of enforced disappearances, takes note of the assessment of the Commission of Inquiry that the Syrian regime’s use of enforced disappearances amounts to a crime against humanity, and condemns the targeted disappearances of young men and the exploitation of ceasefires as an opportunity to forcibly recruit and arbitrarily detain them;
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic (2018), para. 48
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 21. Reaffirms the Syrian authorities’ responsibility for enforced disappearances, takes note of the assessment of the Commission of Inquiry that the Syrian authorities’ use of enforced disappearances amounts to a crime against humanity, and condemns the targeted disappearances of young men and the exploitation of ceasefires as an opportunity to forcibly recruit and arbitrarily detain them;
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Follow-up to the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace (2018), para. 19
- Paragraph text
- Expressing its appreciation for the ongoing efforts of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations in promoting a culture of peace through a number of practical projects in the areas of youth, education, media and migrations, in collaboration with Governments, international organizations, foundations and civil society groups, as well as media and the private sector,
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Protection of migrants (2015), para. 24
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Recognizing the contributions of young migrants to countries of origin and destination, and in that regard encouraging States to consider the specific circumstances and needs of young migrants,
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the Third United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2018–2027) (2019), para. 24
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Recognizing the importance of supporting countries in their efforts to eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, and to promote the empowerment of the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including women, children and youth, indigenous peoples and local communities, older persons, persons with disabilities, migrants, refugees and internally displaced persons,
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Ethnic minorities
- Persons on the move
- Persons with disabilities
- Women
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (2016), para. 053
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 44. Recognizing that the lack of educational opportunities is often a push factor for migration, particularly for young people, we commit to strengthening capacities in countries of origin, including in educational institutions. We commit also to enhancing employment opportunities, particularly for young people, in countries of origin. We acknowledge also the impact of migration on human capital in countries of origin.
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa (2018), para. 72
- Paragraph text
- 47. Calls upon the United Nations system, and invites Member States, to assist African countries emerging from conflict, upon their request as appropriate, in their efforts to build national capacities, including through national security sector reform strategies, the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants, including children formerly associated with armed forces or armed groups, the provision for the safe return of internally displaced persons and refugees, the launch of income-generation activities, particularly for youth and women, and the delivery of basic public services;
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Persons on the move
- Women
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (2016), para. 066
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 57. We will consider facilitating opportunities for safe, orderly and regular migration, including, as appropriate, employment creation, labour mobilit y at all skills levels, circular migration, family reunification and education -related opportunities. We will pay particular attention to the application of minimum labour standards for migrant workers regardless of their status, as well as to recruitment and other migration-related costs, remittance flows, transfers of skills and knowledge and the creation of employment opportunities for young people.
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa (2008), para. 37
- Paragraph text
- 25. Stresses the importance of effectively addressing challenges that continue to hamper the achievement of peace, stability and sustainable development on the continent, inter alia, the increased prevalence of infectious disease such as HIV/AIDS, the effects of global warming and climate change, the extremely high rates of youth unemployment, human trafficking, massive displacements of people, the illegal exploitation of natural resources, the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, the emergence of terrorist networks and the increased activity of transnational organized crime, and in this regard encourages the United Nations system and Member States to assist African countries to effectively address these challenges;
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Health
- Humanitarian
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
New Urban Agenda (2017), para. 074
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 48. We encourage effective participation and collaboration among all relevant stakeholders, including local governments, the private sector and civil society, women, organizations representing youth, as well as those representing persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, professionals, academic institutions, trade unions, employers’ organizations, migrant associations and cultural associations, in order to identify opportunities for urban economic development and identify and address existing and emerging challenges.
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Ethnic minorities
- Persons on the move
- Persons with disabilities
- Women
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Policies and programmes involving youth (2014), para. 22
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 12. Emphasizes the importance of the impact of a fair globalization, and encourages Member States to take measures that minimize the negative effects of globalization and maximize its benefits, such as offering relevant education and training for young people in order to enable their access to decent jobs and better employment opportunities and to meet the needs of changing labour markets, and that enable young migrants to enjoy their human rights;
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Pattern of conferences (2014), para. 118
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 101. Notes with appreciation the positive experience with traineeships at Headquarters and at the United Nations Office at Vienna in training young professionals in and attracting them to the translation and interpretation services of the United Nations, while enhancing the pool of qualified language professionals in language combinations that are critical for succession-planning purposes, and requests the Secretary-General to develop the initiative further, to extend it to all duty stations and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its sixty-ninth session;
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Follow-up to the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace (2018), para. 19
- Paragraph text
- Expressing its appreciation for the ongoing efforts of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations in promoting a culture of peace through a number of practical projects in the areas of youth, education, media and migrations, in collaboration with Governments, international organizations, foundations and civil society groups, as well as media and the private sector,
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainabledevelopment in Africa (2011), para. 35
- Paragraph text
- 20. Calls upon the United Nations system and invites Member States to assist African countries emerging from conflict in their efforts to build national capacities, including through the rehabilitation of the security sector, the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants, provision for the safe return of internally displaced persons and refugees, the launch of income- generation activities, particularly for youth and women, and the delivery of basic public services;
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Women
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa (2008), para. 36
- Paragraph text
- 24. Calls upon the United Nations system and invites Member States to assist African countries emerging from conflict in their efforts to build national capacities of governance, including the rehabilitation of the security sector, disarmament, demobilization and the reintegration of ex-combatants, provision for the safe return of internally displaced persons and refugees, the launch of income- generation activities, particularly for youth and women, and the delivery of basic public services;
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Women
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
New Urban Agenda (2017), para. 043
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 20. We recognize the need to give particular attention to addressing multiple forms of discrimination faced by, inter alia, women and girls, children and youth, persons with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, older persons, indigenous peoples and local communities, slum and informal-settlement dwellers, homeless people, workers, smallholder farmers and fishers, refugees, returnees, internally displaced persons and migrants, regardless of their migration status.
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Social & Cultural Rights
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Ethnic minorities
- Girls
- Persons on the move
- Persons with disabilities
- Women
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Draft outcome document of the high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants (2016), para. 092
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 81. We are determined to provide quality primary and secondary education in safe learning environments for all refugee children, and to do so within a few months of the initial displacement. We commit to providing host countries with support in this regard. Access to quality education, including for host communities, gives fundamental protection to children and youth in displacement contexts, particularly in situations of conflict and crisis.
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Humanitarian
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Persons on the move
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa (2016), para. 63
- Paragraph text
- 39. Calls upon the United Nations system, and invites Member States, to assist African countries emerging from conflict, upon their request as appropriate, in their efforts to build national capacities, including through national security sec tor reform strategies, the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants, including children formerly associated with armed forces or armed groups, the provision for the safe return of internally displaced persons and refugees, the launch of income-generation activities, particularly for youth and women, and the delivery of basic public services;
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Persons on the move
- Women
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Protection of migrants (2020), para. 30
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Recognizing the positive contributions of young migrants to countries of origin and destination, and in that regard encouraging States to consider the specific circumstances and needs of young migrants,
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Policies and programmes involving youth (2020), para. 05
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Recalling that youth development is not only critical to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, but that it is also recognized in other development frameworks, including the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, 4 the Istanbul Declaration and the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011−2020, 6 the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway, the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, 8 the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), 9 the outcome of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the appraisal of the United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons 10 and all relevant international instruments or commitments related to migrants and refugees,
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic (2019), para. 50
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 19. Reaffirms the Syrian authorities’ responsibility for the systematic use of enforced disappearances, takes note of the assessment of the Commission of Inquiry that the Syrian authorities’ use of enforced disappearances amounts to a crime against humanity, and condemns the targeted disappearances of young men and the exploitation of ceasefires as an opportunity to forcibly recruit and arbitrarily detain them;
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Cooperation between the United Nations and the Central European Initiative (2016), para. 18
- Paragraph text
- 13. Also notes the engagement of the Initiative in support of mobility for young officials, students and researchers through specific instruments and programmes;
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM (2016), para. 09
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 1. Takes note of the activity of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM aimed at promoting regional cooperation in various areas such as trade and economic development, energy, transportation, agriculture, disaster management, culture, science, education, public health, youth, tourism and sport, as well as countering terrorism, drug trafficking, organized crime, human trafficking, illegal migration and other types of criminal activity of a transnational nature, which contributes to the attainment of the purposes and principles of the United Nations, and to that end welcomes the intention of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM to cooperate with the Economic Commission for Europe and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Protection of migrants (2013), para. 26
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Recognizing the contributions of young migrants to countries of origin and destination, and in that regard encouraging States to consider the specific circumstances and needs of young migrants,
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Follow-up to the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace (2014), para. 15
- Paragraph text
- Expressing its appreciation for the ongoing efforts of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations in promoting a culture of peace through a number of practical projects in the areas of youth, education, media and migrations, in collaboration with Governments, international organizations, foundations and civil society groups, as well as media and the private sector,
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa (2017), para. 71
- Paragraph text
- 45. Calls upon the United Nations system, and invites Member States, to assist African countries emerging from conflict, upon their request as appropriate, in their efforts to build national capacities, including through national security sector reform strategies, the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants, including children formerly associated with armed forces or armed groups, the provision for the safe return of internally displaced persons and refugees, the launch of income-generation activities, particularly for youth and women, and the delivery of basic public services;
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Persons on the move
- Women
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Policies and programmes involving youth (2018), para. 33
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 17. Encourages Member States to take measures that minimize the negative effects of globalization and maximize its benefits, and emphasizes the importance of a fair globalization in offering relevant education and training for young people in order that they may reach their full personal development and that enable their access to decent jobs and better employment opportunities in order to mee t the needs of changing labour markets and enable young migrants to enjoy their human rights;
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Questions relating to information (2011), para. 088
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 56. Recognizes the achievements of the Alliance of Civilizations and the efforts made by the High Representative of the Secretary-General for the Alliance of Civilizations, which were welcomed by the General Assembly in its resolution 64/14 of 10 November 2009, takes note of the broad range of initiatives and partnerships in the areas of youth, education, the media and migration launched at the third Alliance of Civilizations Forum, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 28 and 29 May 2010, and welcomes the continued support of the Department of Public Information for the work of the Alliance of Civilizations, including its ongoing projects;
- Topic(s)
- Education
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (2016), para. 094
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 84. Welcoming the positive steps taken by individual States, we encourage host Governments to consider opening their labour markets to refugees. We will work to strengthen host countries’ and communities’ resilience, assisting them, for example, with employment creation and income generation schemes. In this regard, we recognize the potential of young people and will work to create the conditions for growth, employment and education that will allow them to be the drivers of development.
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020