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The role of diamonds in fuelling conflict: breaking the link between the illicit transaction of rough diamonds and armed conflict as a contribution to prevention and settlement of conflicts (2017), para. 10
- Paragraph text
- Recalling its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, committed itself to working tirelessly for the full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, recognized that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, and expressed its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions — economic, social and environmental — in a balanced and integrated manner and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business,
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Equality & Inclusion
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance: special economic assistance to individual countries or regions (1996), para. 035
- Paragraph text
- 3. Supports the efforts of the Central American countries in their commitments to the alleviation of extreme poverty and the fostering of sustainable human development, and urges their Governments to continue their efforts to formulate and implement policies and programmes, especially those of a social and environmental character and those relating to investment in human capital;
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them (2013), para. 04
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Concerned by the negative impact that the illicit proliferation and use of those weapons continue to have on the efforts of States in the Sahelo-Saharan subregion in the areas of poverty eradication, sustainable development and the maintenance of peace, security and stability,
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the first United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997–2006), including theproposal to establish a world solidarity fund for poverty eradication (2002), para. 05
- Paragraph text
- Recalling its resolution 55/210 of 20 December 2000, entitled “Implementation of the first United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997–2006), including the initiative to establish a world solidarity fund for poverty eradication”,
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly (2009), para. 23
- Paragraph text
- (c) Ensuring full representation and full and equal participation of women in political, social and economic decision-making as an essential condition for gender equality, and the empowerment of women and girls as a critical factor in the eradication of poverty;
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly (2020), para. 052
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 18. Urges Governments, with the cooperation of relevant entities, to establish nationally appropriate social protection that supports labour market participation and addresses and reduces inequality and social exclusion, and social protection systems and floors, including through streamlining fragmented social protection systems/ programmes, ensuring that such programmes are gender-responsive and disability- sensitive, and progressively extend their coverage to all people throughout their life cycle, including for workers in the informal economy, invites the International Labour Organization, upon request, to support government efforts to strengthen social protection strategies and policies on extending social protection and social security coverage, urges Governments, while taking account of national circumstances, to focus on the needs of those living in, or vulnerable to, poverty and to give particular consideration to universal access to basic social security systems, including the implementation of social protection floors, which can provide a systemic base upon which to address poverty and vulnerability, and in this regard takes note of the International Labour Organization recommendation on social protection floors;
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Gender
- Poverty
- Social & Cultural Rights
- Person(s) affected
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Cooperatives in social development (2016), para. 16
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 9. Also encourages Governments to intensify and expand the availability and accessibility of research on the operations and contribution of cooperatives and to establish methodologies for the collection and dissemination of comparable global data on and the best practices of cooperative enterprises, in collaboration with all stakeholders, and to raise public awareness of the linkages between cooperatives and sustainable development, especially in the areas of social inclusion, employment creation, poverty eradication a nd peacebuilding;
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2008–2017) (2018), para. 34
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Emphasizing the essential role of inclusive and sustainable industrial development as part of a comprehensive strategy of structural economic transformation in eradicating poverty and supporting sustained economic growth and thus in contributing to achieving sustainable development in developing countries,
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Outcome document of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding (2011), para. 20
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 15. Welcome the ongoing efforts by Member States to implement their pledges to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and acknowledge the contributions of Member States, the United Nations entities, civil society organizations, including youth-led organizations, and the private sector to improve the situation of young people; note with concern, however, that, despite these efforts, substantial numbers of young people reside in areas where poverty constitutes a major challenge and access to basic social services is limited, especially for girls and young women, and that youth development remains hindered by the economic and financial crisis, as well as by challenges brought about by the food crisis and continued food insecurity, the energy crisis and climate change; and also note with concern that the overall progress towards achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, in particular on issues relevant to youth, has been uneven;
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Equality & Inclusion
- Food & Nutrition
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Youth
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Follow-up to the development outcome of the 2005 World Summit, including the Millennium Development Goals and the other internationally agreed development goals (2006), para. 38
- Paragraph text
- 19. Calls for the consideration of additional measures and initiatives aimed at ensuring long-term debt sustainability through increased grant-based financing, cancellation of 100 per cent of the official multilateral and bilateral debt of heavily indebted poor countries and, where appropriate, and on a case-by-case basis, significant debt relief or restructuring for low- and middle-income developing countries with an unsustainable debt burden that are not part of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative, as well as the exploration of mechanisms to comprehensively address the debt problems of those countries;
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system (2005), para. 091
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 67. Reaffirms that the effectiveness of operational activities should be assessed by their impact on the poverty eradication efforts, economic growth and sustainable development of recipient countries;
- Topic(s)
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
The right to development (2017), para. 23
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Recognizing further that poverty is an affront to human dignity,
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (2006), para. 18
- Paragraph text
- 8. Takes note with interest of ongoing efforts to diversify the availability of financial resources to support activities aimed at combating desertification and poverty;
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal (2000), para. 07
- Paragraph text
- Noting with satisfaction the flying of the United Nations flag at all competition sites of the Olympic Games and the increasing number of joint endeavours of the International Olympic Committee and the United Nations system, for example in the fields of development, humanitarian assistance, protection of the environment, health promotion, education, eradication of poverty, the fight against AIDS, drug abuse, violence and juvenile delinquency,
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Health
- Humanitarian
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Role of microcredit in the eradication of poverty (1998), para. 07
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Recognizing that microcredit programmes, in addition to their role in the eradication of poverty, have also been a contributing factor to the social and human development process,
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Promotion of sustainable tourism, including ecotourism, for poverty eradication and environment protection (2015), para. 05
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Recalling its resolution 67/223 of 21 December 2012, entitled “Promotion of ecotourism for poverty eradication and environment protection”,
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
The right to food (2018), para. 33
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 5. Expresses its concern at the fact that the effects of the world food crisis continue to have serious consequences for the poorest and most vulnerable people, particularly in developing countries, which have been further aggravated by the world financial and economic crisis, and at the particular effects of this crisis on many net food- importing developing countries, especially least developed countries;
- Topic(s)
- Food & Nutrition
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Towards the sustainable development of the Caribbean Sea for present and future generations (2013), para. 31
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 5. Recognizes the efforts of Caribbean countries to create conditions leading to sustainable development aimed at combating poverty and inequality, and in this regard notes with interest the initiatives of the Association of Caribbean States in the focal areas of sustainable tourism, trade, transport and natural disasters;
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Equality & Inclusion
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
International cooperation against the world drug problem (2016), para. 034
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Reaffirming that alternative development policies are an important component in enhancing development in States affected by, or in some cases at risk of, the illicit cultivation of crops used for illicit drug production and manufacture, and that they play an important role in national, regional and international development policies and in comprehensive policies of poverty reduction and cooperation,
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the first United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (1997–2006), including the initiative to establish a world solidarity fund for poverty eradication (2001), para. 02
- Paragraph text
- Recalling its resolution 47/196 of 22 December 1992, by which it established the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, as well as its resolution 48/183 of 21 December 1993, by which it proclaimed 1996 the International Year for the Eradication of Poverty,
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2008–2017) (2018), para. 41
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 3. Also recognizes the contribution that the Second Decade has made to poverty eradication, and notes the interest expressed for the proclamation of a Third United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty;
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
International cooperation for theeradication of poverty in developing countries: International Year for the Eradication of Poverty (1995), para. 10
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Recognizing that the grave suffering of the great majority of human beings who live in conditions of poverty demands the immediate attention of the international community and the adoption of concrete actions and measures towards the eradication of poverty within the framework of relevant forthcoming United Nations conferences, particularly the World Summit for Social Development, and within the context of the International Year for the Eradication of Poverty,
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Harmony with Nature (2020), para. 07
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its commitment to working tirelessly for the full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, its recognition that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – in a balanced and integrated manner, and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business,
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Equality & Inclusion
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Human rights and extreme poverty (2017), para. 38
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 14. Encourages the international community to strengthen its efforts to address challenges that are contributing to extreme poverty, including those derived from the ongoing impact of the financial and economic crisis, the global food crisis, volatile food prices and other ongoing concerns over food security, epidemics and the increasing challenges posed by climate change and the loss of biodiversity in all parts of the world, especially in developing countries, by enhancing cooperation to help to build national capacities;
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Food & Nutrition
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Establishment of the Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries (2017), para. 04
- Paragraph text
- Reaffirming also its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its commit ment to working tirelessly for the full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, its recognition that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustain able development, its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions — economic, social and environmental — in a balanced and integrated manner, and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business,
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Equality & Inclusion
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly (2019), para. 35
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 10. Stresses that an enabling environment is a critical precondition for achieving equity and social development and that, while economic growth is essential, entrenched inequality and marginalization are an obstacle to the broad -based and sustained growth required for sustainable, inclusive and people-centred development, and recognizes the need to balance and ensure complementarity between measures to achieve growth and measures to achieve economic and social equity and inclusion in order for there to be an impact on overall poverty levels;
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Equality & Inclusion
- Poverty
- Social & Cultural Rights
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019–2028) (2018), para. 10
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its commitment to working tirelessly for the full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, its recognition that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions — economic, social and environmental — in a balanced and integrated manner, and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business,
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Equality & Inclusion
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s (2001), para. 16
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 4. Urges the implementation of the enhanced programme of debt relief to heavily indebted poor countries without delay and the cancellation of all the official bilateral debt of those countries in the context of poverty eradication, in return for a demonstrable commitment by them to poverty reduction as part of their overall development strategy, and requests the support of the international community for debt relief for African countries in a comprehensive and effective manner;
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Draft United Nations Millennium Declaration (2000), para. 96
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- 29. We will spare no effort to make the United Nations a more effective instrument for pursuing all of these priorities: the fight for development for all the peoples of the world, the fight against poverty, ignorance and disease; the fight against injustice; the fight against violence, terror and crime; and the fight against the degradation and destruction of our common home.
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- All
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020
Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and its contribution to sustainable development (2020), para. 04
- Original document
- Paragraph text
- Reaffirming also its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its commitment to working tirelessly for the full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, its recogn ition that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – in a balanced and integrated manner, and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business,
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Equality & Inclusion
- Poverty
- Person(s) affected
- N.A.
- Date added
- Feb 25, 2020