United Nations A/RES/56/261 General Assembly Fifty-sixth session Agenda item 110 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [without reference to a Main Committee (A/56/L.70)] 56/261. Plans of action for the implementation of the Vienna Declaration on Crime and Justice: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 55/59 of 4 December 2000, in which it endorsed the Vienna Declaration on Crime and Justice: Meeting the Challenges of the Twentyfirst Century, adopted by the Tenth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Noting that, in paragraph 29 of the Vienna Declaration, the Tenth Congress invited the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice to design specific measures for the implementation of and follow-up to the commitments undertaken in the Declaration, Recalling that, in its resolution 55/60 of 4 December 2000, it urged Governments, in their efforts to prevent and combat crime, to be guided by the results of the Tenth Congress, and requested the Secretary-General to prepare, in consultation with Member States, draft plans of action for the implementation of and follow-up to the commitments undertaken in the Vienna Declaration for consideration and action by the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at its tenth session, 1. Takes note with appreciation of the plans of action for the implementation of the Vienna Declaration on Crime and Justice: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century, 1 which are contained in the annex to the present resolution; 2. Notes with appreciation the work of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at its ninth and tenth sessions on the preparation of the plans of action for the implementation of the Vienna Declaration; 3. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the widest possible circulation of the plans of action; 4. Invites Governments to consider carefully and use, as appropriate, the plans of action as a guide in their efforts to formulate legislation, policies and _______________ 1 01 49754 Resolution 55/59, annex. Distr.: General 15 April 2002

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