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United Nations system to ensure the coordination of activities in support of
national and regional action in the area of human resources development;
Emphasizes that structural adjustment programmes should include
social development goals, in particular the eradication of poverty, the
promotion of full and productive employment, and the enhancement of social
Also emphasizes that Governments and relevant institutions should
ensure, where appropriate, an adequate social safety net under structural
adjustment programmes and should develop policies to reduce the negative
effects of these programmes and to improve their positive impact, bearing in
mind that social safety nets associated with economic restructuring are shortterm by nature and should be considered as complementary strategies;
Acknowledges the action taken thus far by the United Nations
system in operational activities in the area of human resources development,
and urges further action in accordance with resolutions of the General
Assembly on human resources for development;
Notes with serious concern the worrisome trend of a decrease in
overall development assistance, which affects the level of resources for human
resources development, and emphasizes that financial commitment to human
resources development is of critical importance in contributing to the
enhancement of the concept of people-centred sustainable development;
Calls for follow-up action to be taken as recommended in the
Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development and in the
Platform for Action adopted at Beijing, in order to ensure the strengthening
of human resources development;
Requests the Secretary-General to take into account the outcome of
the upcoming United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) in
the context of human resources development;
Also requests the Secretary-General to continue to monitor the
activities of the United Nations system in human resources development and to
submit to the General Assembly at its fifty-second session a report on the
implementation of the present resolution, including further action taken by
the United Nations system with regard to human resources development and the
enhancement of inter-agency coordination;
Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its fifty-second
session, under the item entitled "Sustainable development and international
economic cooperation", a sub-item entitled "Human resources development".
96th plenary meeting
20 December 1995