Conclusion on Protracted Refugee Situations 2009, para. (k)
Paragraphe- Type de document
- Conclusion du Comité exécutif
- Paragraph text
- Recognizes that protracted refugee situations can increase the risks to which refugees may be exposed and that, in this respect, there is a need to identify and respond effectively to the specific protection concerns of men, women, girls and boys, in particular, unaccompanied and separated children, adolescents, persons with disabilities, and older persons, who may be exposed to heightened risks, including sexual and gender-based violence and other forms of violence and exploitation; and encourages UNHCR and States to pursue age, gender and diversity mainstreaming and participatory approaches with a view to enhancing the safety, well-being and development of refugees and promoting appropriate solutions for them;
- Status juridique
- Droit souple négocié
- Organe
- Comité exécutif du programme du Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés
- Mode d'adoption
- S/O
- Thèmes
- Égalité & Inclusion
- Genre
- Humanitaire
- Mouvement
- Violence
- Personnes concernées
- Enfants
- Femmes
- Filles
- Garçons
- Hommes
- Personnes âgées
- Personnes en situation de déplacement
- Personnes handicapées
- Année
- 2009
- Type de paragraphe
- Paragraphe
- Reference
- ExCom Conclusion No. 109, Conclusion on Protracted Refugee Situations (2009), OP (k).
- Paragraph info
- OP
- Paragraph number
- (k)
trié par
Date ajouter
38 Relations, 38 Entités