A/HRC/33/46 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 4 July 2016 Original: English Human Rights Council Thirty-third session Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences Note by the Secretariat The Secretariat has the honour to transmit the report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences, prepared pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 24/3. In the report, the Special Rapporteur investigates the issue of debt bondage as a key form of contemporary slavery across the world. She outlines the legal definition of debt bondage, before discussing trends in prevalence within different regions. She then goes on to discuss the key drivers of debt bondage and challenges in eradicating it. Finally, the Special Rapporteur outlines her vision for an integrated, human rights-based approach to the full eradication and prevention of debt bondage and develops recommendations for Member States on the implementation of such an approach. GE.16-11363 (E) 180716 

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