A/65/262 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 9 August 2010 Original: English Sixty-fifth session Item 65 (a) of the provisional agenda* Promotion and protection of the rights of children Annual report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children Summary This initial report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children is submitted to the General Assembly in accordance with its resolution 64/146. On 1 September 2009, Marta Santos Pais assumed her position. In the present report, she recalls the history leading up to the establishment of her position and the scope of her mandate, as defined by the General Assembly in resolution 62/141. She outlines her vision and the priority areas for her work and the strategies she intends to use to achieve progress in implementing the mandate entrusted to her, which builds upon the recommendations of the United Nations study on violence against children (see A/61/299). The present report highlights the need to accelerate progress in strategic areas and the special emphasis the Special Representative will place on three overarching recommendations of the study, namely, the development in each State of a comprehensive strategy on violence against children; the introduction of an explicit national legal ban on all forms of violence, in all settings; and the consolidation of data and research in this field. The report reviews key developments and initiatives promoted by the Special Representative to advance progress in the follow-up to the study at the global, regional and national levels; to promote a consultative process and strengthen strategic partnerships with key stakeholders, including Governments, United Nations partners, human rights bodies and mechanisms, civil society organizations and children and young people; and to secure firm support for her mandate. * A/65/150. 10-47898 (E) 130910 *1047898*

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