held in Tirana on 9 and 10 December 2004, the meeting on Intercultural and
Interreligious Dialogue for the South-East Asia and the-Pacific Region, held in
Melbourne, Australia, from 12 to 14 April 2005, the initiative of Pakistan on
“enlightened moderation”, endorsed by the Organization of the Islamic Conference,
the International Conference on Environment, Peace and the Dialogue among
Civilizations and Cultures, held in Tehran on 9 and 10 May 2005, the launch of the
Alliance of Civilizations by the Secretary-General on 14 July 2005, the launch of
the World Summit on Christian-Muslim Relations, to be held in Senegal in 2007, the
Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, held triennially in Astana,
the Asia-Europe Meeting Interfaith Dialogue on the theme “Building Interfaith
Harmony within the International Community”, held in Bali, Indonesia, on 21 and
22 July 2005, 4 the Conference on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace: Enhancing
Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation Towards Peace in the Twenty-first Century,
held at United Nations Headquarters on 22 June 2005, 5 and the Informal Meeting of
Leaders on Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace, held at United Nations
Headquarters on 13 September 2005, 6
Recognizing the commitment of all religions to peace,
Affirms that mutual understanding and interreligious dialogue constitute
important dimensions of the dialogue among civilizations and of the culture of
Takes note with appreciation of the work of the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on interreligious dialogue in the
context of its efforts to promote dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples,
as well as activities related to a culture of peace, welcomes its focus on concrete
action at both the global and the regional and subregional levels and its new flagship
activity on the promotion of interfaith dialogue, and encourages relevant bodies of
the United Nations to work closely with the Organization and coordinate their
efforts in this regard;
Invites the Secretary-General to continue to bring the promotion of
interreligious dialogue to the attention of all Governments, regional organizations
and relevant international organizations, including ways to strengthen the linkages
and focus more on practical actions in the implementation of the initiatives on
interreligious dialogue and cooperation for peace;
Also invites the Secretary-General, in the context of his report to the
General Assembly at its sixty-first session under the item entitled “Culture of
peace”, to include information on the implementation of the present resolution.
43rd plenary meeting
3 November 2005
See A/60/254.
See A/60/269-E/2005/91, annex II, attachment.
See A/60/383.