Girls' Rights Advocacy tools

Claiming girls' rights starts with understanding them. These reports, factsheets and other resources are meant to equip activists and policy makers with the knowledge and tools they need to ensure international policy adequately addresses girls' lived realities and human rights more broadly.


What are girls' rights?

Girls’ rights are human rights. Yet, rarely are girls mentioned as a specific demographic in international law and where they are, there is a failure to fully reflect the particular barriers they face. In order to remedy this, States, UN Agencies and civil society must identify the realisation of girls’ rights as an objective in itself and attach greater importance to empowering girls throughout their life-cycles.

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Reservations in International Law

Reservations to international treaties are statements in which States can place conditions on their ratification of a treaty. Allowing States to make reservations encourages ratification, but can also weaken the human rights protection of the treaty. Governments should be urged to withdraw their reservations, including those limiting girls’ rights and gender equality.

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Girls’ Rights are Human Rights

Girls’ rights are human rights. Yet, rarely are girls mentioned as a specific demographic in international law and where they are, there is a failure to fully reflect the particular barriers they face. In order to remedy this, States, UN Agencies and civil society must identify the realisation of girls’ rights as an objective in itself and attach greater importance to empowering girls throughout their life-cycles.

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Youth Accountability Training

The online youth training on UN accountability mechanisms and advocacy is a key tool for youth activists to learn how to use UN human rights mechanisms to advance advocacy priorities at the national and international level. Available in EN, FR, SP.