A UNITED NATIONS General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/RES/54/210 1 February 2000 Fifty-fourth session Agenda item 99 (c) RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY [on the report of the Second Committee (A/54/587/Add.3)] 54/210. Women in development The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 52/195 of 18 December 1997 and all its other resolutions on the integration of women in development, and also the relevant resolutions and the agreed conclusions, including those on women in the economy,1 adopted by the Commission on the Status of Women, Reaffirming the Beijing Platform for Action2 and the outcomes of recent major United Nations conferences and summits, Taking note of the ministerial communiqué of the high-level segment of the Economic and Social Council on the theme “The role of employment and work in poverty eradication: the empowerment and advancement of women”,3 Reaffirming that gender equality is of fundamental importance for achieving sustained economic growth and sustainable development, in accordance with the relevant General Assembly resolutions and recent 1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 1997, Supplement No. 7 (E/1997/27), chap. I, sect. C.1, agreed conclusions 1997/3. 2 Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 4-15 September 1995 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.96.IV.13), chap. I, resolution 1, annex II. 3 Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 3 (A/54/3/Rev.1), chap. III, para. 23. 00 25443 /...

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