A/RES/70/266 United Nations Distr.: General 22 June 2016 General Assembly Seventieth session Agenda item 11 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 8 June 2016 [without reference to a Main Committee (A/70/L.52)] 70/266. Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: On the Fast Track to Accelerating the Fight against HIV and to Ending the AIDS Epidemic by 2030 The General Assembly Adopts the political declaration on HIV and AIDS annexed to the present resolution. 97th plenary meeting 8 June 2016 Annex Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: On the Fast Track to Accelerating the Fight against HIV and to Ending the AIDS Epidemic by 2030 1. We, Heads of State and Government and representatives of States and Governments assembled at the United Nations from 8 to 10 June 2016, reaffirm our commitment to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as our legacy to present and future generations, to accelerate and scale up the fight against HIV and end AIDS to reach this target, and to seize the new opportunities provided by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 1 to accelerate action and to recast our approach to AIDS given the potential of the Sustainable Development Goals to accelerate joined -up and sustainable efforts to lead to the end of the AIDS epidemic, and we pledge to intensify efforts towards the goal of comprehensive prevention, treatment, care and support programmes that will help to significantly reduce new infections, increase life expectancy and quality of life, and promote, protect and fulfil all human rights and the dignity of all people living with, at risk of and affected by HIV and AIDS and their families; _______________ 1 Resolution 70/1. 15-17020 (E) *1517020* Please recycle

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