Minimum Age Convention 1973, para. 6. (b)
Párrafo- Tipo de documento
- Tratado internacional
- Paragraph text
- [This Convention does not apply to work done by children and young persons in schools for general, vocational or technical education or in other training institutions, or to work done by persons at least 14 years of age in undertakings, where such work is carried out in accordance with conditions prescribed by the competent authority, after consultation with the organizations of employers and workers concerned, where such exist, and is an integral part of:] a programme of training mainly or entirely in an undertaking, which programme has been approved by the competent authority; or
- Condicón jurídica
- Jurídicamente vinculante
- Organismo
- Organización Internacional del Trabajo
- Medio de adopción
- N/A
- Temas
- Derechos económicos
- Educación
- Personas afectadas
- Jóvenes
- Año
- 1973
- Tipo de párrafo
- Otro
- Reference
- ILO Convention No. 138, Minimum Age Convention (1973), Article 6. (b).
- Paragraph number
- 6. (b)
ordenados por
Fecha de adición
36 conexiones, 36 Entidades