Conclusion On Women And Girls At Risk 2006, para. 4
Párrafo- Tipo de documento
- Conclusión del Comité Ejecutivo
- Paragraph text
- Recalling that the protection of women and girls is primarily the responsibility of States, whose full and effective cooperation, action and political resolve are required to enable UNHCR to fulfil its mandated functions; and that all action on behalf of women and girls must be guided by obligations under relevant international law, including, as applicable, international refugee law, international human rights law and international humanitarian law,
- Condicón jurídica
- Derecho dispositivo negociado
- Organismo
- Comité ejecutivo del programa del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los refugiados
- Medio de adopción
- N/A
- Temas
- Gobernanza y imperio de la ley
- Humanitario
- Moviemiento
- Personas afectadas
- Mujeres
- Niñas
- Año
- 2006
- Tipo de párrafo
- Párrafo del preámbulo
- Reference
- ExCom Conclusion No. 105, Conclusion On Women And Girls At Risk (2006), PP 4.
- Paragraph info
- PP
- Paragraph number
- 4
ordenados por
Fecha de adición
48 conexiones, 48 Entidades