A/HRC/RES/16/28 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 13 April 2011 Original: English Human Rights Council Sixteenth session Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council* 16/28 The protection of human rights in the context of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiencysyndrome (AIDS) The Human Rights Council, Recalling Human Rights Council resolution 12/27 of 2 October 2009 and relevant Commission on Human Rights resolutions, the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, adopted by the General Assembly on 2 June 2006 and the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, adopted by the Assembly on 27 June 2001, Recalling also the Guidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights (hereinafter referred to as “the Guidelines”) referred to in the above-mentioned resolutions and annexed to Commission on Human Rights resolution 1997/33, which provide guidance to ensuring the respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights in the context of HIV, Emphasizing the significance of the comprehensive review in 2011, as requested by the General Assembly in its resolution 65/180 of 20 December 2010, which will mark three decades of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, the ten-year review of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and its time-bound measurable goals and targets, and the five-year review of the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS with the goal of achieving universal access to comprehensive HIV prevention, treatment, care and support by 2010, Recalling Human Rights Council resolution 15/22 of 30 September 2010, on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, * The resolutions and decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council will be contained in the report of the Council on its sixteenth session (A/HRC/16/2), chap. I. GE.11-12832

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