A/HRC/26/37 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 1 April 2014 Original: English Human Rights Council Twenty-sixth session Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development Report of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Joy Ngozi Ezeilo Thematic report Summary In the present report, the Special Rapporteur provides an overview of her activities from 1 March 2013 to 1 March 2014. The report comprises a thematic analysis of the first decade of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children. It provides an overview of the mandate and outlines substantive areas of focus throughout its existence. It summarizes the achievements of the anti-trafficking movement that the Special Rapporteur has guided, and to which she has contributed, and identifies challenges in developing rights-based responses to trafficking, drawing on the responses of States and of partners, to a questionnaire she sent. The report contains the conclusions and recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on how the mandate can further contribute to the global movement against human trafficking. GE.14-12841 *1412841*

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