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30 shown of 31 entities
Women and peace and security 2000, para. 10
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Calls on all parties to armed conflict to take special measures to protect women and girls from gender-based violence, particularly rape and other forms of sexual abuse, and all other forms of violence in situations of armed conflict;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2000
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Children and armed conflict 2001, para. 8c
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- [Calls upon all parties to armed conflict to:] Take special measures to promote and protect the rights and meet the special needs of girls affected by armed conflict, and to put an end to all forms of violence and exploitation, including sexual violence, particularly rape;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Girls
- Year
- 2001
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
CRPD - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006, para. q
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- (q) Recognizing that women and girls with disabilities are often at greater risk, both within and outside the of violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Persons with disabilities
- Women
- Year
- 2006
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Women and peace and security 2013, para. 9
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Reiterating its strong condemnation of all violations of international law committed against and/or directly affecting civilians, including women and girls in armed conflict and post-conflict situations, including those involving rape and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence, killing and maiming, obstructions to humanitarian aid, and mass forced displacement,
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2013
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Sexual violence in armed conflict 2013, para. 3
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Notes that the fight against impunity for the most serious crimes of international concern committed against women and girls has been strengthened through the work of the ICC, ad hoc and mixed tribunals, as well as specialized chambers in national tribunals; reiterates its intention to continue forcefully to fight impunity and uphold accountability with appropriate means;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2013
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Women and peace and security 2009, para. 12
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Calls upon all parties to armed conflicts to respect the civilian and humanitarian character of refugee camps and settlements, and ensure the protection of all civilians inhabiting such camps, in particular women and girls, from all forms of violence, including rape and other sexual violence, and to ensure full, unimpeded and secure humanitarian access to them;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Persons on the move
- Women
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Children and armed conflict 2001, para. 11d
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- [Requests the agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations to:] Ensure that the special needs and particular vulnerabilities of girls affected by armed conflict, including those heading households, orphaned, sexually exploited and used as combatants, are duly taken into account in the design of development assistance programmes, and that adequate resources are allocated to such programmes;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Girls
- Year
- 2001
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Women and peace and security 2000, para. 11
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Emphasizes the responsibility of all States to put an end to impunity and to prosecute those responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes including those relating to sexual and other violence against women and girls, and in this regard stresses the need to exclude these crimes, where feasible from amnesty provisions;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Civil & Political Rights
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2000
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Children and armed conflict 2000, para. 13
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Underlines the importance of giving consideration to the special needs and particular vulnerabilities of girls affected by armed conflict, including, inter alia, those heading households, orphaned, sexually exploited and used as combatants, and urges that their human rights, protection and welfare be incorporated in the development of policies and programmes, including those for prevention, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Girls
- Year
- 2000
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Children and armed conflict 1999, para. 10
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Urges all parties to armed conflicts to take special measures to protect children, in particular girls, from rape and other forms of sexual abuse and gender-based violence in situations of armed conflict and to take into account the special needs of the girl child throughout armed conflicts and their aftermath, including in the delivery of humanitarian assistance;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Girls
- Year
- 1999
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
CRC - OPSC - Optional Protocol to the CRC on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography 2000, para. e
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Recognizing that a number of particularly vulnerable groups, including girl children, are at greater risk of sexual exploitation and that girl children are disproportionately represented among the sexually exploited,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Girls
- Year
- 2000
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Acts of sexual violence against civilians in armed conflicts 2008, para. 14
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Urges appropriate regional and sub-regional bodies in particular to consider developing and implementing policies, activities, and advocacy for the benefit of women and girls affected by sexual violence in armed conflict;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2008
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Acts of sexual violence against civilians in armed conflicts 2008, para. 5
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Affirms its intention, when establishing and renewing state-specific sanctions regimes, to take into consideration the appropriateness of targeted and graduated measures against parties to situations of armed conflict who commit rape and other forms of sexual violence against women and girls in situations of armed conflict;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2008
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Children and armed conflict 2015, para. 13
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Gravely concerned by the human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law committed by non-state armed groups, in particular violent extremist groups, including mass abductions, rape and other forms of sexual violence such as sexual slavery, particularly targeting girls, which can cause displacement and affect access to education and healthcare services, and emphasizing the importance of accountability for such abuses and violations,
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Year
- 2015
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Acts of sexual violence against civilians in armed conflicts 2008, para. 3
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Reaffirming also the resolve expressed in the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, including by ending impunity and by ensuring the protection of civilians, in particular women and girls, during and after armed conflicts, in accordance with the obligations States have undertaken under international humanitarian law and international human rights law;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2008
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Women and peace and security 2009, para. 3
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Strongly condemns all violations of applicable international law committed against women and girls in situations of armed conflicts and post-conflict situations, demands all parties to conflicts to cease such acts with immediate effect, and emphasizes the responsibility of all States to put an end to impunity and to prosecute those responsible for all forms of violence committed against women and girls in armed conflicts, including rape and other sexual violence;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Acts of sexual violence against civilians in armed conflicts 2008, para. 15
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Also requests the Secretary-General to submit a report to the Council by 30 June 2009 on the implementation of this resolution in the context of situations which are on the agenda of the Council, utilizing information from available United Nations sources, including country teams, peacekeeping operations, and other United Nations personnel, which would include, inter alia, information on situations of armed conflict in which sexual violence has been widely or systematically employed against civilians; analysis of the prevalence and trends of sexual violence in situations of armed conflict; proposals for strategies to minimize the susceptibility of women and girls to such violence; benchmarks for measuring progress in preventing and addressing sexual violence; appropriate input from United Nations implementing partners in the field; information on his plans for facilitating the collection of timely, objective, accurate, and reliable information on the use of sexual violence in situations of armed conflict, including through improved coordination of UN activities on the ground and at Headquarters; and information on actions taken by parties to armed conflict to implement their responsibilities as described in this resolution, in particular by immediately and completely ceasing all acts of sexual violence and in taking appropriate measures to protect women and girls from all forms of sexual violence;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2008
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Sexual violence against women and children in situations of armed conflict 2009, para. 2
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General of 16 July 2009 (S/2009/362), but remaining deeply concerned over the lack of progress on the issue of sexual violence in situations of armed conflict in particular against women and children, notably against girls, and noting as documented in the Secretary-General’s report that sexual violence occurs in armed conflicts throughout the world,
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Acts of sexual violence against civilians in armed conflicts 2008, para. 9
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Requests the Secretary-General to develop effective guidelines and strategies to enhance the ability of relevant UN peacekeeping operations, consistent with their mandates, to protect civilians, including women and girls, from all forms of sexual violence and to systematically include in his written reports to the Council on conflict situations his observations concerning the protection of women and girls and recommendations in this regard;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2008
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Acts of sexual violence against civilians in armed conflicts 2008, para. 8
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Encourages troop and police contributing countries, in consultation with the Secretary-General, to consider steps they could take to heighten awareness and the responsiveness of their personnel participating in UN peacekeeping operations to protect civilians, including women and children, and prevent sexual violence against women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations, including wherever possible the deployment of a higher percentage of women peacekeepers or police;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2008
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Acts of sexual violence against civilians in armed conflicts 2008, para. 6
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Noting that civilians account for the vast majority of those adversely affected by armed conflict; that women and girls are particularly targeted by the use of sexual violence, including as a tactic of war to humiliate, dominate, instil fear in, disperse and/or forcibly relocate civilian members of a community or ethnic group; and that sexual violence perpetrated in this manner may in some instances persist after the cessation of hostilities;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2008
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Women and peace and security 2015, para. 14
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Urges Member States to strengthen access to justice for women in conflict and post-conflict situations, including through the prompt investigation, prosecution and punishment of perpetrators of sexual and gender-based violence, as well as reparation for victims as appropriate, notes that the fight against impunity for the most serious crimes of international concern committed against women and girls has been strengthened through the work of the International Criminal Court, ad hoc and mixed tribunals, as well as specialized chambers in national tribunals and reiterates its intention to continue forcefully to fight impunity and uphold accountability with appropriate means;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2015
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Women and peace and security 2015, para. 14
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Recognizing the differential impact on the human rights of women and girls of terrorism and violent extremism, including in the context of their health, education, and participation in public life, and that they are often directly targeted by terrorist groups, and expressing deep concern that acts of sexual and gender-based violence are known to be part of the strategic objectives and ideology of certain terrorist groups, used as a tactic of terrorism, and an instrument to increase their power through supporting financing, recruitment, and the destruction of communities, as described in the Secretary-General’s Report on Sexual Violence in Conflict of 23 March 2015 (S/2015/203), and further noting the Global Counterterrorism Forum’s good practices on Women and Countering Violent Extremism,
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2015
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Women and peace and security 2013, para. 12
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Calls upon Member States to comply with their relevant obligations to end to impunity and to thoroughly investigate and prosecute persons responsible for war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity or other serious violations of international humanitarian law; and further notes that the fight against impunity for the most serious crimes of international concern against women and girls has been strengthened through the work of the International Criminal Court, ad hoc and mixed tribunals, as well as specialized chambers in national tribunals;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2013
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Women and peace and security 2013, para. 17
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Looking forward to the important contribution that implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty can make to reducing violence perpetrated against women and girls in armed conflict and post-conflict situations,
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2013
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Women and peace and security 2013, para. 7
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Expressing deep concern at the full range of threats and human rights violations and abuses experienced by women in armed conflict and post-conflict situations, recognizing that those women and girls who are particularly vulnerable or disadvantaged may be specifically targeted or at increased risk of violence, and recognizing in this regard that more must be done to ensure that transitional justice measures address the full range of violations and abuses of women’s human rights, and the differentiated impacts on women and girls of these violations and abuses as well as forced displacement, enforced disappearances, and destruction of civilian infrastructure,
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2013
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Sexual violence in armed conflict 2013, para. 20
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Notes the link between sexual violence in armed conflict and post-conflict situations and HIV infection, and the disproportionate burden of HIV and AIDS on women and girls as a persistent obstacle and challenge to gender equality; and urges United Nations entities, Member States and donors to support the development and strengthening of capacities of national health systems and civil society networks in order to provide sustainable assistance to women and girls living with or affected by HIV and AIDS in armed conflict and post-conflict situations;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Gender
- Health
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2013
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Sexual violence in armed conflict 2013, para. 6
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Noting with concern that sexual violence in armed conflict and post-conflict situations disproportionately affects women and girls, as well as groups that are particularly vulnerable or may be specifically targeted, while also affecting men and boys and those secondarily traumatized as forced witnesses of sexual violence against family members; and emphasizing that acts of sexual violence in such situations not only severely impede the critical contributions of women to society, but also impede durable peace and security as well as sustainable development,
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Boys
- Girls
- Men
- Women
- Year
- 2013
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Acts of sexual violence against civilians in armed conflicts 2008, para. 10
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Requests the Secretary-General and relevant United Nations agencies, inter alia, through consultation with women and women-led organizations as appropriate, to develop effective mechanisms for providing protection from violence, including in particular sexual violence, to women and girls in and around UN managed refugee and internally displaced persons camps, as well as in all disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration processes, and in justice and security sector reform efforts assisted by the United Nations;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Movement
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Persons on the move
- Women
- Year
- 2008
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Acts of sexual violence against civilians in armed conflicts 2008, para. 4
- Document type
- Resolution
- Paragraph text
- Notes that rape and other forms of sexual violence can constitute a war crime, a crime against humanity, or a constitutive act with respect to genocide, stresses the need for the exclusion of sexual violence crimes from amnesty provisions in the context of conflict resolution processes, and calls upon Member States to comply with their obligations for prosecuting persons responsible for such acts, to ensure that all victims of sexual violence, particularly women and girls, have equal protection under the law and equal access to justice, and stresses the importance of ending impunity for such acts as part of a comprehensive approach to seeking sustainable peace, justice, truth, and national reconciliation;
- Body
- United Nations Security Council
- Topic(s)
- Humanitarian
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Girls
- Women
- Year
- 2008
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019