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African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) 2009, para. undefined
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- Body
- Regional bodies: African Union
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
ICMW - International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 1990, para. undefined
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Have agreed as follows:
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1990
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Inter-American Convention against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance 2013, para. e
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the victims of discrimination and intolerance in the Americas are, inter alia, migrants, refugees, and displaced persons and their families, as well as other sexual, cultural, religious and linguistic groups or minorities that are affected by such manifestations;
- Body
- Regional bodies: Organization of American States
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2013
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) 2009, para. o
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- CONVINCED that the present Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons presents such a legal framework;
- Body
- Regional bodies: African Union
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) 2009, para. m
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- RECALLING the lack of a binding African and international legal and institutional framework specifically, for the prevention of internal displacement and the protection of and assistance to internally displaced persons;
- Body
- Regional bodies: African Union
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) 2009, para. k
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- AFFIRMING our primary responsibility and commitment to respect, protect and fulfill the rights to which internally displaced persons are entitled, without discrimination of any kind;
- Body
- Regional bodies: African Union
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) 2009, para. g
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- REAFFIRMING the principle of the respect of the sovereign equality of States Parties, their territorial integrity and political independence as stipulated in the Constitutive Act of the African Union and the United Nations Charter;
- Body
- Regional bodies: African Union
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) 2009, para. f
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- CONSIDERING the 2000 Constitutive Act of the African Union and the 1945 Charter of the United Nations;
- Body
- Regional bodies: African Union
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) 2009, para. d
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- COMMITTED to sharing our common vision of providing durable solutions to situations of internally displaced persons by establishing an appropriate legal framework for their protection and assistance;
- Body
- Regional bodies: African Union
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) 2009, para. c
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- REITERATING the inherent African custom and tradition of hospitality by local host communities for persons in distress and support for such communities;
- Body
- Regional bodies: African Union
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Humanitarian
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) 2009, para. b
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- ALSO CONSCIOUS of the suffering and specific vulnerability of internally displaced persons;
- Body
- Regional bodies: African Union
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Humanitarian
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) 2009, para. a
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- CONSCIOUS of the gravity of the situation of internally displaced persons as a source of continuing instability and tension for African states;
- Body
- Regional bodies: African Union
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Humanitarian
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
ICED - International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance 2006, para. h
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Affirming the right of any victim to know the truth about the circumstances of an enforced disappearance and the fate of the disappeared person, and the right to freedom to seek, receive and impart information to this end,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Violence
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2006
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
ICMW - International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 1990, para. o
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Convinced, therefore, of the need to bring about the international protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families, reaffirming and establishing basic norms in a comprehensive convention which could be applied universally,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1990
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
ICMW - International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 1990, para. m
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Considering that workers who are non-documented or in an irregular situation are frequently employed under less favourable conditions of work than other workers and that certain employers find this an inducement to seek such labour in order to reap the benefits of unfair competition,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1990
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
ICMW - International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 1990, para. k
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Taking into account the fact that migration is often the cause of serious problems for the members of the families of migrant workers as well as for the workers themselves, in particular because of the scattering of the family,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1990
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
ICMW - International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 1990, para. j
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Convinced that the rights of migrant workers and members of their families have not been sufficiently recognized everywhere and therefore require appropriate international protection,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1990
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
ICMW - International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 1990, para. g
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Realizing the importance and extent of the migration phenomenon, which involves millions of people and affects a large number of States in the international community,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1990
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
ICMW - International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 1990, para. f
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Recognizing also the progress made by certain States on a regional or bilateral basis towards the protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families, as well as the importance and usefulness of bilateral and multilateral agreements in this field,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1990
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
ICMW - International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 1990, para. undefined
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- The States Parties to the present Convention,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1990
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees 1951, para. f
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Noting that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is charged with the task of supervising international conventions providing for the protection of refugees, and recognizing that the effective co-ordination of measures taken to deal with this problem will depend upon the co-operation of States with the High Commissioner,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1951
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees 1951, para. d
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Considering that the grant of asylum may place unduly heavy burdens on certain countries, and that a satisfactory solution of a problem of which the United Nations has recognized the international scope and nature cannot therefore be achieved without international co-operation,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1951
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees 1951, para. a
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Considering that the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights approved on 10 December 1948 by the General Assembly have affirmed the principle that human beings shall enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms without discrimination,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Equality & Inclusion
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1951
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
ICMW - International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 1990, para. i
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Considering the situation of vulnerability in which migrant workers and members of their families frequently-find themselves owing, among other things, to their absence from their State of origin and to the difficulties they may encounter arising from their presence in the State of employment,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1990
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
ICMW - International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 1990, para. h
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Aware of the impact of the flows of migrant workers on States and people concerned, and desiring to establish norms which may contribute to the harmonization of the attitudes of States through the acceptance of basic principles concerning the treatment of migrant workers and members of their families,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1990
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
ICMW - International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 1990, para. c
- Document type
- International treaty
- Paragraph text
- Recalling the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Declaration of the Fourth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, and the Slavery Conventions,
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Economic Rights
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1990
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Key actions for the further implementation of the Programme of Action of the of the International Conference on Population and Development 1999, para. 10
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- 10. However, for some countries and regions, progress has been limited and, in some cases, setbacks have occurred. Women and the girl child continue to face discrimination. The human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) pandemic has led to rises in mortality in many countries, in particular in sub-Saharan Africa. Mortality and morbidity among adults and children from infectious, parasitic and water- borne diseases, such as tuberculosis, malaria and schistosomiasis, continue to take their toll. Maternal mortality and morbidity remain unacceptably high. Adolescents remain particularly vulnerable to reproductive and sexual risks. Millions of couples and individuals still lack access to reproductive health information and services. An increase in adult mortality, especially among men, is a matter of special concern for countries with economies in transition and some developing countries. The impact of the financial crises in countries of Asia and elsewhere, as well as the long-term and large-scale environmental problems in Central Asia and other regions, is affecting the health and well-being of individuals and limiting progress in implementing the Programme of Action. Despite the goal of the Programme of Action of reducing pressures leading to refugee movements and displaced persons, the plight of refugees and displaced persons remains unacceptable.
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Environment
- Health
- Humanitarian
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Girls
- Persons on the move
- Women
- Year
- 1999
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
Key actions for the further implementation of the Programme of Action of the of the International Conference on Population and Development 1999, para. 9
- Document type
- Declaration / Confererence outcome document
- Paragraph text
- The five-year review of progress shows that the implementation of the recommendations of the Programme of Action has shown positive results. Many countries have taken steps to integrate population concerns into their development strategies. Mortality in most countries has continued to fall in the five years since the adoption of the Programme of Action. The Conference's broad-based definition of reproductive health is being accepted by an increasing number of countries and steps are being taken to provide comprehensive services in many countries, with increasing emphasis being given to quality of care. The rising use of family planning methods indicates that there is greater accessibility to family planning and that more and more couples and individuals are able to choose the number and spacing of their children. Many countries, both countries of origin and countries of destination, have taken important steps, including, inter alia, at the regional level, aimed at better managing international migration flows through bilateral and multinational agreements. In addition, many civil society organizations are contributing to the formulation and implementation of policies, programmes and projects on their own or in partnerships with governmental and intergovernmental organizations as well as the private sector.
- Body
- United Nations General Assembly
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Children
- Families
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 1999
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) 2009, para. j
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- RECOGNISING the inherent rights of internally displaced persons as provided for and protected in international human rights and humanitarian law and as set out in the 1998 United Nations Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, which are recognized as an important international framework for the protection of internally displaced persons;
- Body
- Regional bodies: African Union
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019
African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention) 2009, para. i
- Document type
- Regional treaty
- Paragraph text
- MINDFUL that Member States of the African Union have adopted democratic practices and adhere to the principles of non-discrimination, equality and equal protection of the law under the 1981 African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, as well as under other regional and international human rights law instruments;
- Body
- Regional bodies: African Union
- Topic(s)
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Movement
- Person(s) affected
- Persons on the move
- Year
- 2009
- Date added
- Aug 19, 2019