A/RES/59/172 African Union at its fifth ordinary session, held at Addis Ababa from 30 June to 3 July 2004; 4. Takes note of the holding of the conference organized by the African Parliamentary Union and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on “Refugees in Africa: the challenges of protection and solutions” at Cotonou, Benin, from 1 to 3 June 2004; Expresses its appreciation for the leadership shown by the High 5. Commissioner since assuming office in January 2001, and commends the Office of the High Commissioner for its ongoing efforts, with the support of the international community, to assist African countries of asylum and to respond to the protection and assistance needs of refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa; Encourages the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for 6. Refugees to continue to cooperate with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, in conjunction with relevant agencies of the United Nations system and intergovernmental organizations, within their respective mandates, in the promotion and protection of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa, and welcomes in this regard the appointment by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights of its Special Rapporteur on refugees and internally displaced persons in Africa; Recognizes that, among refugees, returnees and internally displaced 7. persons, women and children are the majority of the population affected by conflict and bear the brunt of atrocities and other consequences of conflict, and in this regard takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on women and peace and security submitted to and discussed by the Security Council; 7 8. Reiterates the importance of the full and effective implementation of standards and procedures to better address the specific protection needs of refugee children and adolescents and to safeguard rights and, in particular, to ensure adequate attention to unaccompanied and separated children and former child soldiers in refugee settings, as well as in the context of voluntary repatriation and reintegration measures; Notes with great concern that, despite all of the efforts made so far by the 9. United Nations, the African Union and others, the situation of refugees and displaced persons in Africa remains precarious, calls upon States and other parties to armed conflict to observe scrupulously the letter and the spirit of international humanitarian law, bearing in mind that armed conflict is one of the principal causes of forced displacement in Africa, and welcomes in this regard the appointment by the African Union of its Special Representative on the protection of civilians in armed conflict; 10. Recognizes the importance of early registration and effective registration systems and censuses as a tool of protection and as a means to enable the quantification and assessment of needs for the provision and distribution of humanitarian assistance and to implement appropriate durable solutions; 11. Also recognizes the need to strengthen the capacity of States to provide assistance to and protection for refugees, returnees and displaced persons, and calls _______________ 7 2 S/2004/814.

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