A/RES/64/197 Comprehensive Framework for Action 7 that it produced, specifically its call for increased investments in the development of agricultural technology as well as the transfer and use of existing technologies, as appropriate, especially for smallholder farmers as a means to achieve global food security and poverty reduction, 6F Recalling the World Summit on Food Security convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome from 16 to 18 November 2009, and stressing the vital role of international cooperation in advancing and implementing agricultural technologies, Welcoming the commitment by the Group of Eight and more than twenty-five countries and organizations in the Joint Statement on Global Food Security, adopted in L’Aquila, Italy, on 10 July 2009, 8 towards the goal of mobilizing 20 billion United States dollars over three years focused on sustainable agriculture development, 7F Reaffirming its commitment to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, and recognizing the beneficial impact that the adoption of agricultural technologies can have for the achievement of those goals, including for eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, empowering women and ensuring environmental sustainability, Concerned by the slow progress so far in achieving the above-mentioned goals, in particular by the fact that Africa remains the only continent currently not on track to achieve any of the goals of the United Nations Millennium Declaration 9 by 2015, and recognizing the need to intensify the efforts of the international community in its attempt to reach the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, 8F Acknowledging the importance and the potential of smallholder farmers in increasing agricultural production, achieving economic growth and reducing poverty, Stressing the critical role of women in the agricultural sector and their contribution to enhancing agricultural and rural development, improving food security and eradicating rural poverty, and underlining further the fact that meaningful progress in agricultural development necessitates a focus on supporting and empowering women, Acknowledging the role and work of civil society in furthering progress in developing countries, in promoting the use of sustainable agricultural technology and the training of smallholder farmers, in raising awareness and in the provision and dissemination of information, Aware that the world financial and economic crisis, in addition to other global challenges, has a negative impact on food security and development, specifically in the agricultural sector, thereby negatively impacting the most vulnerable groups and potentially setting back progress made in achieving the Millennium Development Goals, Considering the increasing need to innovate in agriculture and food production in order to respond to the challenges posed by, inter alia, climate change, depletion and scarcity of natural resources, urbanization and globalization, and recognizing that sustainable agricultural technologies can greatly contribute to the adaptation of _______________ 7 Available from www.un.org/issues/food/taskforce/cfa.shtml. Available from www.ifad.org/events/g8. 9 See resolution 55/2. 8 2

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