A/72/275 I. Introduction 1. The present report provides a review of key developments promoted by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children at the global, regional and national levels and provides an overview of the results achieved in safeguarding children’s freedom from violence. 2. Guided by General Assembly resolution 62/141, which established her mandate, the Special Representative is a global, independent advocate for the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against children. 3. In its resolution 71/177, the Assembly expressed support for the work of the Special Representative, recognized the progress achieved since the establishment of her mandate, including through regional and the matic consultations, field missions and studies on emerging concerns, and welcomed her efforts in mainstreaming the recommendations of the United Nations study on violence against children 1 in the international, regional and national agenda. 4. Realizing every child’s right to freedom from violence is a fundamental dimension of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the United Nations study on violence against children identified critical steps to make it a reality for all children. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development envisions a world that invests in children and in which every child grows up free from violence, abuse and exploitation. 5. Capitalizing on the strategic opportunity presented by the 2030 Agenda to further strengthen the protection of children from violence, the Special Representative has promoted and further enhanced strategic processes and alliances with national Governments, United Nations partners, regional organizations, civil society, faith-based organizations, the private sector, the media and child-led networks. 6. The implementation of the 2030 Agenda requires strengthened partnerships. For this reason, the Special Representative strongly supports the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children, Alliance 8.7, the Global Youth Partnership for the Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Alliance for Reporting Progress on Promoting Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies. 7. With the same aim, the Special Representative in 2016 launched, with a wide range of partners, the “High time to end violence against children” initiative, 2 which mobilizes leaders from all walks of life to take concrete action and widen circles of non-violence around children’s lives. 8. Cooperation with faith-based organizations has been critical to enlarge circles of non-violence. Religious leaders are important allies in the promotion of the recommendations of the United Nations study on violence against children, helping to foster dialogue, promote change in practices that perpetuate viole nce against children, and encourage the use of non-violent forms of discipline within places of worship and religious communities at large. As Pope Francis highlighted during his meeting with the Special Representative in March, and on Universal Children’s Day, the international community needs to be vigilant, to protect children from violence and to ensure that every boy and girl enjoys school and education and grows up with serenity and confidence in the future. 9. The fifth Forum of the Global Network of Religions for Children, held in May 2017 in Panama City, placed these concerns at the heart of its agenda. The Forum __________________ 1 2 2/18 See A/61/299. www.endviolenceagainstchildren.org. 17-13267

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