A/HRC/RES/23/13 Expressing its concern also at the widespread discrimination, stigma and social exclusion suffered by persons with albinism, Welcoming the steps taken and efforts made by the countries concerned, including the initiation of legal action against the perpetrators of attacks against persons with albinism, public condemnation of attacks against persons with albinism, the provision of temporary shelter to persons with albinism under threat of attack, and public awarenessraising campaigns, 1. Urges States to take all measures necessary to ensure the effective protection of persons with albinism, and their family members; 2. Calls upon States to ensure accountability through the conduct of impartial, speedy and effective investigations into attacks against persons with albinism falling within their jurisdiction, and to bring those responsible to justice, and to ensure that victims and family members have access to appropriate remedies; 3. Also calls upon States to take effective measures to eliminate any type of discrimination against persons with albinism, and to accelerate education and public awareness-raising activities; 4. Encourages States to share best practices in protecting and promoting the rights of persons with albinism; 5. Invites relevant special procedures of the Human Rights Council, as appropriate, in the framework of their mandate, to address the relevant aspects of the safety and non-discrimination of persons with albinism; 6. Invites States, in collaboration with relevant regional and international organizations, to promote bilateral, regional and international initiatives to support the protection of persons with albinism; 7. Requests the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights to submit a preliminary report on attacks and discrimination against persons with albinism to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-fourth session; 8. Decides to remain seized of the matter. 38th meeting 13 June 2013 [Adopted without a vote.] 2

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