SUMMARY At its thirty-eighth session, the Commission on the Status of Women recommended to the Economic and Social Council the adoption of three draft resolutions and one draft decision. In addition, it adopted a resolution on the preparations for the Fourth World Conference on Women that included recommendations for action by the Economic and Social Council and nine other resolutions on various subjects. In draft resolution I (Improvement of the status of women in the Secretariat), the Council would urge the Secretary-General to take further steps to increase the proportion of women in the Secretariat, especially in seniorlevel positions and from developing countries and other countries having a low representation of women, strengthen the focal point on improvement of the status of women and further develop comprehensive policy measures to prevent sexual harassment. In draft resolution II (Women and children in the process of the elimination of apartheid and the establishment of a democratic South Africa), the Council would request additional steps to provide assistance to South African women and call on the Secretary-General to mandate the United Nations Observer Mission to South Africa to continue to monitor and report on the incidents of political and domestic violence directed against women and children in South Africa. In draft resolution III (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women), the Council would support the request of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, made at its twelfth session, for additional meeting time so as to allow the Committee to meet once a year for three weeks for its fourteenth and fifteenth sessions in 1995 and 1996, respectively, and recommend that the request of the Committee, made at its thirteenth session, for additional meeting time based on two sessions of three weeks each, be considered within the existing level of budgetary resources. The Council would also request the General Assembly to review the working situation of the Committee and its capacity to fulfil its mandate effectively, on the basis of a report by the Secretary-General, and to consider the possibility of amending article 20 of the Convention to allow sufficient meeting time for the Committee. The Council would decide that the Commission would examine at its thirty-ninth session the possibility of introducing the right to petition to the Convention through the preparation of an optional protocol to the Convention. It would also request States parties to take a number of steps to address reservations made to the Convention, and would urge the Secretary-General to continue publicizing the work of the Committee. In the draft decision (Report of the Commission on the Status of Women on its thirty-eighth session and provisional agenda and documentation for the thirty-ninth session of the Commission), the Council would approve the provisional agenda and documentation for the thirty-ninth session of the Commission. In its resolution 38/10 on preparations for the Fourth World Conference on Women, the Commission recommends to the Economic and Social Council that the thirty-ninth session of the Commission be extended by one week, that provision should be made for a two-week meeting of a parallel working group and that the dates for the thirty-ninth session should be 15 March to 4 April 1995. The resolution also makes decisions about the process of preparing the Platform for -iii-

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