A/RES/56/189 Emphasizing that human resources development should be an essential component of international development cooperation and that there is a need to promote continuous training and capacity-building within projects and programmes as a means of advancing such development, Recognizing that there is a need to integrate human resources development into comprehensive strategies that mainstream a gender perspective, taking into account the needs of all people, in particular the needs of women and girls, Recognizing also the vital role of South-South cooperation in supporting national efforts at human resources development, Expressing concern at the increasing development gap between developed and developing countries, including the gap in knowledge, information and communication technologies, and the increasing disparity of income in and among nations and its adverse impact on the development of human resources, in particular in the developing countries, Stressing that developing countries should be assisted in their efforts to develop capacity in and be well equipped with the knowledge of information technologies that would enable them to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalization and to avoid the risk of marginalization in the process of globalization, Expressing deep concern at the devastating impact of the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) pandemic, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, and of other major diseases on human resources development, in particular in developing countries, Emphasizing the continuing need for coordination and integration among the organs and organizations of the United Nations system in assisting developing countries, in particular the least developed among them, to foster the development of their human resources, especially that of the most vulnerable groups, and for the United Nations to continue to give priority to human resources development in developing countries, 1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General; 3 2. Recognizes the importance of developing human resources as a means, inter alia, of promoting economic growth and eradicating poverty as well as of participating more effectively in the world economic system and benefiting from globalization; 3. Urges increased investments by all countries, the United Nations system, international organizations, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and civil society in all aspects of human development, such as health, nutrition, education, training and further capacity-building, with a view to achieving sustainable development and the well-being of all; 4. Encourages all countries to accord priority to human resources development in the context of the adoption of national economic and social policies, including their financing, taking into account their financial constraints; 5. Urges the adoption of comprehensive approaches to human resources development which combine, among other factors, economic growth, poverty eradication, provision of basic social services, sustainable livelihoods, _______________ 3 2 A/56/162.

Select target paragraph3