Strengthening mental health and psychosocial support approaches, responses and links to protection and solutions (a) Encourages States and UNHCR to continue integrating MHPSS into protection, solutions, emergency preparedness and response strategies, without discrimination of any kind, in ways that do no harm and in line with humanitarian principles, including from the outset of a displacement situation, as well as in protracted situations, with a view to promoting durable solutions; (b) Encourages UNHCR, States and partners to support activities for prevention of mental health conditions, including mitigating risks of re-traumatization and acute stress, and for strengthening community resilience and including MHPSS support in disaster preparedness; (c) Underlines the importance of raising awareness about mental health and psychosocial well-being, early identification of MHPSS needs, reducing stigma and discrimination associated with MHPSS and facilitating access for all persons of concern to MHPSS wherever it is needed and in their native languages whenever possible, based on the principle of informed consent, taking into account the local context, as well as language, cultural, social and religious diversity; (d) Encourages States, UNHCR and all partners to provide accessible MHPSS services and to communicate information about MHPSS and related procedures, decisions, and policies appropriately so that it is accessible and understandable for persons of concern to UNHCR, including persons of concern with disabilities; (e) Encourages UNHCR, States and other partners to apply a multi-sectoral approach in accordance with human rights, through which the mental health and psychosocial well-being of persons of concern is supported across different sectors of activity and assistance for persons of concern to UNHCR, including protection, assistance, health and education; (f) Encourages UNHCR, States and other partners to provide accessible and continued MHPSS care, treatment and support, whenever possible in the native language of the persons of concern, to address inter alia, psychological trauma and serious protection risks, including for survivors and victims of sexual and gender-based violence; and clinical care to address severe or complex mental health conditions; (g) Encourages UNHCR to promote the mental health and well-being of its personnel, other humanitarian personnel and volunteers, and to ensure the provision of MHPSS, where needed, to them, taking into consideration their role in providing effective and sustainable assistance to persons of concern to UNHCR and their host communities; Support to the enhancement of mental health and psychosocial support capacity (h) Welcomes and encourages continued provision of support, including capacity development and financial assistance for MHPSS for persons of concern to UNHCR, as well as host communities, including its provision in low- and middle-income countries, many of which host large numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons; (i) Encourages States to work towards further inclusion in national services and existing systems of care for MHPSS of persons of concern to UNHCR; and calls upon UNHCR and partners to effectively provide and facilitate further support for States in different situations, enabling them to build and expand the capacity of national health systems to provide MHPSS to persons of concern to UNHCR and to the communities hosting them, as well as support to wider protection, durable solutions and emergency responses, consistent with the principles of burden- and responsibilitysharing, taking into account the importance of national ownership and leadership; (j) Invites all States, in line with their economic capacity, to invest resources and expertise to strengthen MHPSS, including the capacity of UNHCR, host states and relevant partners, encompassing, among other aspects, MHPSS provision and supervision by trained professionals, where possible, as well as capacity development and training opportunities for persons of concern to UNHCR and host communities, in line with paragraph 73 of the Global Compact on Refugees; Participation and contributions by persons of concern (k) Encourages States and UNHCR to facilitate the active participation and contributions by persons of concern to UNHCR in matters affecting them in the field of MHPSS, whenever possible, including by drawing on and further developing the capacity of individuals, families, 2

Select target paragraph3