IV. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ADOPTED BY THE COMMITTEE ON THE ELIMINATION OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN Eighth session (1989)** General recommendation No. 9: Statistical data concerning the situation of women The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Considering that statistical information is absolutely necessary in order to understand the real situation of women in each of the States parties to the Convention, Having observed that many of the States parties that present their reports for consideration by the Committee do not provide statistics, Recommends that States parties should make every effort to ensure that their national statistical services responsible for planning national censuses and other social and economic surveys formulate their questionnaires in such a way that data can be disaggregated according to gender, with regard to both absolute numbers and percentages, so that interested users can easily obtain information on the situation of women in the particular sector in which they are interested. ** Contained in document A/44/38.

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