United Nations A/RES/56/18 General Assembly Distr.: General 9 January 2002 Fifty-sixth session Agenda item 68 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [on the report of the First Committee (A/56/530)] 56/18. Maintenance of international security – good-neighbourliness, stability and development in South-Eastern Europe The General Assembly, Recalling the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, signed at Helsinki on 1 August 1975, Recalling also the United Nations Millennium Declaration, 1 Recalling further its resolutions 48/84 B of 16 December 1993, 50/80 B of 12 December 1995, 51/55 of 10 December 1996, 52/48 of 9 December 1997, 53/71 of 4 December 1998, 54/62 of 1 December 1999 and 55/27 of 20 November 2000, Convinced of the necessity of enhancing the overall conflict prevention and resolution capability of the United Nations system and other relevant regional organizations to prevent the outbreak of conflicts, Emphasizing the crucial importance of the full implementation of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) of 10 June 1999 on Kosovo, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and stressing, inter alia, the role and responsibility of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, supported by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the European Union, and of the Kosovo Force in that regard, as well as the importance of the implementation of Security Council resolutions 1345 (2001) of 21 March 2001 and 1371 (2001) of 26 September 2001, Commending the significant progress made by the people and the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia towards establishing democracy and the important steps taken to cooperate with the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991, _______________ 1 01 47622 See resolution 55/2.

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