A/HRC/RES/34/15 national services and programmes, in accordance with national and international human rights law; 12. Urges States to identify and remove physical, administrative, procedural and any other barriers that impede access to birth registration, including late registration, paying due attention to, among others, those barriers relating to poverty, disability, gender, age, adoption processes, nationality, statelessness, displacement, illiteracy and detention contexts, and to persons in vulnerable situations; 13. Invites States and other relevant stakeholders to work towards ensuring universal birth registration through, inter alia, the exchange of good practices and technical assistance, including through the universal periodic review and other relevant mechanisms of the Human Rights Council; 14. Encourages States to request technical assistance, if required, from relevant United Nations bodies, agencies, funds and programmes and other relevant stakeholders in order to fulfil their obligation to undertake birth registration as a means of respecting the right of everyone to be recognized everywhere as a person before the law; 15. Takes note of the Principles on Identification for Sustainable Development, which aim to strengthen identification systems and to foster cooperation around the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, and invites States and other actors to consider endorsing them; 16. Invites relevant United Nations agencies, funds and programmes and other relevant stakeholders to cooperate with States in providing technical assistance, upon request, and calls upon them to ensure that persons with no birth registration are not discriminated against in any of their programmes; 17. Recognizes the importance of international cooperation in supporting national efforts to ensure universal birth registration, including the exchange of good practices and technical assistance; 18. Requests the High Commissioner to identify and actively pursue opportunities to collaborate with the United Nations Statistics Division and other relevant United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, as well as other relevant stakeholders, in order to strengthen existing policies and programmes aimed at universal birth registration and vital statistics development, and to ensure that they are based on international standards, taking into account best practices, and are implemented in accordance with relevant international human rights obligations; 19. Also requests the High Commissioner to prepare, in consultation with States, United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, civil society and other relevant stakeholders, a report on best practices and specific measures to ensure access to birth registration, particularly for those children most at risk, marginalized and living in situations of conflict, poverty, emergency and vulnerability, including children belonging to minority groups, children with disabilities, indigenous children, and children of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons, taking into account the commitment to implement target 16.9 of the Sustainable Development Goals, and to submit the report to the Human Rights Council at its thirty-ninth session; 20. Decides to consider this issue in accordance with its annual programme of work. 57th meeting 24 March 2017 [Adopted without a vote.] 4

Select target paragraph3