A UNITED NATIONS General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/RES/51/210 16 January 1997 Fifty-first session Agenda item 151 RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY [on the report of the Sixth Committee (A/51/631)] 51/210. Measures to eliminate international terrorism The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 49/60 of 9 December 1994, by which it adopted the Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism, and its resolution 50/53 of 11 December 1995, Recalling also the Declaration on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations,1 Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, Deeply disturbed by the persistence of terrorist acts, which have taken place worldwide, Stressing the need further to strengthen international cooperation between States and between international organizations and agencies, regional organizations and arrangements and the United Nations in order to prevent, combat and eliminate terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, wherever and by whomsoever committed, Mindful of the need to enhance the role of the United Nations and the relevant specialized agencies in combating international terrorism, Noting, in this context, all regional and international efforts to combat international terrorism, including those of the Organization of African Unity, the Organization of American States, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, the European Union, the Council of Europe, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries and the 1 See resolution 50/6. 97-76165 /...

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