A/RES/70/93 A-B Questions relating to information independently and increase the participation of media and individuals in the communication process, and to ensure a free flow of information at all levels; (b) To ensure for journalists the free and effective performance of their professional tasks and condemn resolutely all attacks against them; (c) To provide support for the continuation and strengthening of practical training programmes for broadcasters and journalists from public, private and other media in developing countries; (d) To enhance regional efforts and cooperation among developing countries, as well as cooperation between developed and developing countries, to strengthen communications capacities and to improve the media infrastructure and communications technology in developing countries, especially in the areas of training and dissemination of information; (e) To aim at, in addition to bilateral cooperation, providing all possible support and assistance to developing countries and their media, public, private or other, with due regard to their interests and needs in the field of information and to action already adopted within the United Nations system, including: (i) The development of the human and technical resources that are indispensable for the improvement of information and communications systems in developing countries and support for the continuation and strengthening of practical training programmes, such as those already operating under both public and private auspices throughout the developing world; (ii) The creation of conditions that will enable developing countries and their media, public, private or other, to have, by using their national and regional resources, the communications technology suited to their national needs, as well as the necessary programme material, especially for radio and television broadcasting; (iii) Assistance in establishing and promoting telecommunication links at the subregional, regional and interregional levels, especially among developing countries; (iv) Facilitation, as appropriate, of access by developing countries to advanced communications technology available on the open market; (f) To provide full support for the International Programme for the Development of Communication of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which should support both public and private media. 70th plenary meeting 9 December 2015 B U NITED N ATIONS PUBLIC INFORMATION POLICIES AND ACTIVITIES The General Assembly, Emphasizing that the Committee on Information is its main subsidiary body mandated to make recommendations to it relating to the work of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat, Reaffirming its resolution 13 (I) of 13 February 1946, by which the General Assembly established the Department of Public Information, with a view to 2/19

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