A/RES/73/7 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 31 October 2018 Seventy-third session Agenda item 77 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 29 October 2018 [without reference to a Main Committee (A/73/L.8 and A/73/L.8/Add.1)] 73/7. Report of the International Criminal Court The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 72/3 of 30 October 2017 and all its previous relevant resolutions, Recalling also that the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court 1 reaffirms the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, Recognizing the International Criminal Court as an independent permanent judicial institution and, in this regard, that the United Nations and the Court respect each other’s status and mandate, Reiterating the historic significance of the adoption of the Rome Statute, Emphasizing that justice, especially transitional justice in conflict and post conflict societies, is a fundamental building block of sustainable peace, Convinced that ending impunity is essential for coming to terms with any past crimes committed and preventing such crimes in the future, Acknowledging the fact that the International Criminal Court has achieved considerable progress in its investigations and judicial proceedings in various situations and cases which were referred to it by States parties to the Rome Statute and by the Security Council, and which the Prosecutor of the Court has initiated proprio motu, in accordance with the Rome Statute, Recalling that effective and comprehensive cooperation and assistance in all aspects of its mandate by States, the United Nations and other international and regional organizations remain essential for the International Criminal Court to carry out its activities, __________________ 1 18-18142 (E) United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2187, No. 38544. 021118 *1818142*

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