United Nations A/RES/55/260 General Assembly Fifty-fifth session Agenda item 129 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/55/964)] 55/260. Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission and the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola The General Assembly, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola1 and the related reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,2 Bearing in mind Security Council resolutions 626 (1988) of 20 December 1988, by which the Council established the United Nations Angola Verification Mission, 696 (1991) of 30 May 1991, by which the Council decided to entrust a new mandate to the United Nations Angola Verification Mission (thenceforth called the United Nations Angola Verification Mission II), 976 (1995) of 8 February 1995, by which the Council authorized the establishment of a peacekeeping operation (thenceforth called the United Nations Angola Verification Mission III), 1118 (1997) of 30 June 1997, by which the Council decided to establish, as from 1 July 1997, the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola, and its subsequent resolutions, the latest of which was resolution 1229 (1999) of 26 February 1999, Recalling its resolution 43/231 of 16 February 1989 on the financing of the Verification Mission and its subsequent resolutions and decisions thereon, and its resolution 54/17 B of 15 June 2000 on the financing of the Observer Mission, Reaffirming that the costs of the Observer Mission are expenses of the Organization to be borne by Member States in accordance with Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations, Recalling its previous decisions regarding the fact that, in order to meet the expenditures caused by the Observer Mission, a different procedure is required from that applied to meet expenditures of the regular budget of the United Nations, Taking into account the fact that the economically more developed countries are in a position to make relatively larger contributions and that the economically less developed countries have a relatively limited capacity to contribute towards such an operation, 1 2 00 57475 A/55/844 and Corr.1. A/55/874 and A/55/879. Distr.: General 22 June 2001

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