HUMAN RIGHTS OF WOMEN the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, and create and promote a culture of human rights, development and peace; The Commission on the Status of Women • Encourage and support broad-based national and community-based dialogues that include women and men, and girls and boys, from diverse backgrounds, on the meaning of human rights, on the obligations thereby created and on gender-specific discrimination and violations; Reaffirms the Beijing Platform for Action adopted by the Fourth World Conference on Women, in particular chapter IV.I on the human rights of women, and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights, • Ensure that work, including, inter alia, work by treaty bodies within their mandates to develop an understanding of the gender dimensions of human rights, is compiled and widely disseminated, and that this gender-sensitive interpretation of human rights is fully integrated into all policies and programmes of international and regional organizations; Recommends that the Commission on Human Rights give particular attention to the economic and social rights of women in any discussions it may have at its fifty-fourth session on the question of the appointment and mandate of a special rapporteur on economic, social and cultural rights, or a specific aspect thereof; and invites the Secretary-General to report to the Commission on the Status of Women in 1999 on decisions taken by the Commission on Human Rights on this issue, and further recommends that the rapporteur on economic, social and cultural rights, if appointed, should make his or her reports available to the Commission on the Status of Women, • Make widely available reports of United Nations mechanisms that deal with the human rights of women, such as on discrimination and violence against women, to the public, including the judiciary, parliamentarians and non-governmental organizations; • Support, encourage and disseminate research, and Proposes, in order to accelerate the implementation of the strategic objectives of chapter IV.I of the Platform for Action: collect gender- and age-disaggregated statistics on factors and multiple barriers that affect the full enjoyment by women of their economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights, including their right to development, and on violations that are particular to women, and disseminate the findings and utilize the collected data in assessing the implementation of the human rights of women; A. C  reation and development of an environment conducive to women's enjoyment of their human rights and awareness-raising • Develop and implement national legislation and policies prohibiting customary and traditional practices that are harmful to women and that are violations of women's human rights; Actions to be taken by Governments, non-governmental organizations, employers, trade unions, the private sector and other actors in civil society, as appropriate: • Eradicate customary or traditional practices, particularly female genital mutilation, that are harmful to, or discriminatory against, women and that are violations of women's human rights and fundamental freedoms, through the design and implementation of awareness-raising programmes, education and training; • Ensure universal awareness by all persons, women and men, girls and boys of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of women and children, including the girl child, through comprehensive human rights education in accordance with 1

Select target paragraph3