A/RES/69/250 Pattern of conferences Recalling its resolution 14 (I) of 13 February 1946 and the role of the Advisory Committee as a subsidiary body of the General Assembly, I Calendar of conferences and meetings 1. Welcomes the report of the Committee on Conferences for 2014; 1 2. Approves the draft revised calendar of conferences and meetings of the United Nations for 2015, as submitted by the Committee on Conferences, 4 taking into account the observations of the Committee and subject to the provisions of the present resolution; 3. Authorizes the Committee on Conferences to make any adjustments to the calendar of conferences and meetings for 2015 that may become necessary as a result of actions and decisions taken by the General Assembly at its sixty-ninth session; 4. Notes with satisfaction that the Secretariat has taken into account the arrangements referred to in General Assembly resolutions 53/208 A, 54/248, 55/222, 56/242, 57/283 B, 58/250, 59/265, 60/236 A, 61/236, 62/225, 63/248, 64/230, 65/245, 66/233, 67/237 and 68/251 concerning Orthodox Good Friday and the official holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, and requests all intergovernmental bodies to observe those decisions when planning their meetings; 5. Acknowledges that Yom Kippur is a significant local holiday which is observed in the host city of the Headquarters of the United Nations, invites United Nations bodies at Headquarters and other duty stations where observed to avoid holding meetings on Yom Kippur, and in this regard encourages this arrangement be taken into account when drafting future calendars of conferences and meetings; 6. Acknowledges the significance of the Day of Vesak, which is observed in many Member States, invites United Nations bodies at Headquarters and other duty stations where observed to avoid holding meetings on the Day of Vesak, and in this regard encourages this arrangement be taken into account when drafting future calendars of conferences and meetings; 7. Acknowledges the significance of Diwali, which is observed in many Member States, invites United Nations bodies at Headquarters and other duty stations where observed to avoid holding meetings on Diwali, and in this regard encourages this arrangement be taken into account when drafting future calendars of conferences and meetings; 8. Acknowledges the significance of Gurpurab, which is observed in many Member States, invites United Nations bodies at Headquarters and other duty stations where observed to avoid holding meetings on Gurpurab, and encourages this arrangement be taken into account when drafting future calendars of conferences and meetings; 9. Acknowledges the significance of Orthodox Christmas, which is observed in many Member States, invites United Nations bodies at Headquarters and other duty stations where observed to avoid holding meetings on the day of Orthodox _______________ 4 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 32 (A/69/32), annex II. 2/15

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