United Nations A/RES/58/133 General Assembly Distr.: General 26 January 2004 Fifty-eighth session Agenda item 106 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 22 December 2003 [on the report of the Third Committee (A/58/497 (Part II))] 58/133. Policies and programmes involving youth The General Assembly, Guided by the Charter of the United Nations as well as other relevant international instruments, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1 and the two Optional Protocols thereto, 2 Reaffirming the obligation of States to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and their full enjoyment by young people, Recalling the United Nations Millennium Declaration, 3 and recognizing that the Millennium Declaration includes important goals and targets pertaining to youth, Recalling and reaffirming the commitments made at the major United Nations conferences and summits held since 1990 and their follow-up processes, in particular those commitments that are related to youth, including youth employment, Recognizing that the participation of young people is an asset and a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth and social development, and expressing deep concern about the magnitude of youth unemployment and underemployment throughout the world and its profound implications for the future of our societies, particularly those in developing countries, Acknowledging that poverty, among other factors, represents a serious challenge to the full and effective participation and contribution of young people to society, Recalling its resolution 50/81 of 14 December 1995, by which it adopted the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and Beyond, annexed thereto, Recalling also its resolution 54/120 of 17 December 1999, in which it took note with appreciation of the Lisbon Declaration on Youth Policies and Programmes _______________ 1 Resolution 44/25, annex. Resolution 54/263, annexes I and II. 3 See resolution 55/2. 2 03 50256

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