United Nations General Assembly A/RES/58/43 Distr.: General 17 December 2003 Fifty-eighth session Agenda item 73 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 8 December 2003 [on the report of the First Committee (A/58/462)] 58/43. Confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional context The General Assembly, Guided by the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, Recalling its resolution 57/337 of 3 July 2003 entitled “Prevention of armed conflict”, in which it calls upon Member States to settle their disputes by peaceful means, as set out in Chapter VI of the Charter, inter alia, by any procedures adopted by the parties, including the most effective use of the International Court of Justice, Recalling also the Security Council resolutions relating to the prevention of armed conflict, and noting all Security Council presidential statements relating to this matter, Considering the importance and effectiveness of confidence-building measures taken at the initiative and with the participation of all States concerned and taking into account the specific characteristics of each region, since such measures can contribute to regional stability, Convinced that resources released by disarmament, including regional disarmament, can be devoted to economic and social development and to the protection of the environment for the benefit of all peoples, in particular those of the developing countries, Recognizing the need for meaningful dialogue among States concerned in the regions of tension to avert conflict, Welcoming the peace processes already initiated by States concerned to resolve their disputes through peaceful means bilaterally or through mediation, inter alia, by third parties, regional organizations or the United Nations, Recognizing that States in some regions have already taken steps towards confidence-building measures at the bilateral, subregional and regional levels in the political and military fields, including arms control and disarmament, and noting that such confidence-building measures have improved peace and security in those regions and contributed to progress in the socio-economic conditions of their people, 03 45549

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