A/RES/77/3 United Nations General Assembly Distr.: General 1 November 2022 Seventy-seventh session Agenda item 137 Programme budget for 2022 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 27 October 2022 [on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/77/535, para. 6)] 77/3. Revised estimates on United Nations activities to mitigate global food insecurity and its humanitarian impact The General Assembly, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General 1 and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, 2 1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General; 2. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions; 3. Approves additional resource requirements in the amount of 3,524,600 United States dollars under the programme budget for 2022, under section 12, Trade and development (848,600 dollars), section 27, Humanitarian assistance (2,481,700 dollars), and section 36, Staff assessment (194,300 dollars), to be offset by an equivalent increase of 194,300 dollars under income section 1, Income from staff assessment; 4. Authorizes the Secretary-General to enter into commitments in an amount not exceeding 3,524,600 dollars; 5. Notes that the use of the commitment authority of 3,524,600 dollars for 2022 will be reported in the financial performance report for 2022. 21st plenary meeting 27 October 2022 __________________ 1 2 22-24489 (E) A/77/325. A/77/486. 021122 *2224489*

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